The Blog Herald is a serious publication of all things blog related. We’re a source of news, we provide features and insight to the blogging business, as well as the blogosphere phenomenon and happenings. We always try our best to give you the latest.
Editorial Policy
The Blog Herald strives to report the truth, to be transparent and honest about what we cover and to have an independent editorial staff. If we for any reason would write about something that might constitute some conflict of interest (for instance posting news about another ventures by Splashpress Media), we’ll make sure to disclose these.
The editorial staff on The Blog Herald is in no way involved in the advertising sales department’s work, other than giving occasional advice. All ad sales are managed by people outside the editorial staff.
Comment Policy
We do not pre-moderate any comments and welcome all kinds of thoughts- supportive, dissenting, critical or otherwise.
We do not delete or censor comments unless they have content that:
- is abusive
- is off-topic
- contains ad-hominem attacks
- promotes hate of any kind
- uses excessively foul language
- is blatantly spam
All comments are filtered through spam filtering technology; the kind we uses varies over time, but we are currently using a combination of Akismet, Spam Karma 2 and Bad Behavior 2. The spam-filtering technology isn’t perfect and from time to time it flags legitimate emails (false positives).
If you find that your comment isn’t immediately showing up, it may have been erroneously flagged as spam. Please email us at info(AT)splashpress.com to follow up on the status of your comment if it hasn’t shown up after 24 hours and we will do our best to sort it out.