We’re Hiring at The Blog Herald

We’re looking for a few new bloggers to join the team here at The Blog Herald. Here’s our posting from BloggerJobs:

We’re seeking a few new bloggers for The Blog Herald, the leading blog news site.

The Blog Herald reaches more than half a million monthly visitors and serves well over a million and a half pages monthly.

Prospective bloggers for The Blog Herald should possess a keen sense of wit, an undertanding of trends in Web 2.0 design and communities, and a desire to write for a growing publication.

See Also

In exchange you’ll get a chance to work with a great team, write for a great publication, and have a chance for your own fifteen minutes of fame. Oh, and there’s money.

Interested? Drop us a note at jobs [at] blogmedia [dot] biz with a minimum of three sample posts for The Blog Herald suitable for publication.

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Picture of Matt Craven

Matt Craven

Matt Craven is the former editor & publisher of The Blog Herald. Currently, Matt is the co-founder of Bryghtpath LLC, a consulting practice located in Woodbury, Minnesota. Matt's presently looking for new blogging gigs. Ping him at matt (at) bryghtpath dot com. You can follow him on Twitter.



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