Warning: Surrender Blog! or that would be our usual response to stumbling accross a blog from a citizen of France, but then we met the bilingual Dissident Frogman and starting thinking that maybe the blood of the thousands of Australians, English and Americans who died on the Western Front did result in a positive outcome in some parts of France.
The Dissident Frogman is on our side, and this shows in his blog from the US flags to the remarkable flash slide shows of action from Iraq and stories on WMDs.
His writing is remarkably clear and concise for a non native English speaker, and the subject matter, naturally Euro-focused, gives fresh and interesting insight into matters on the continent from a different perspective than most of his fellow country men.
But what most struck The Blog Herald about his blog was the design, fresh, clear, clean, modern, and a whole lot of other positive words that we shall not repeat here. The site is definately one of the best personal sites we have seen for a long time. The though gone into the design and its practical uses are superb; perhaps a Bloggie nomination coming up?
For something different, and for inspired design, we are happy to recommend The Dissident Frogman
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