People who lack discipline and self-control usually display these 8 behaviors (without realizing it)

It’s often said that discipline and self-control are the cornerstones of success. But what happens when these elements are missing?

It’s not always easy to recognize when we’re falling short in these areas. In fact, you might be showing signs of a lack of discipline and self-control without even realizing it.

In this article, we’ll explore 8 behaviors often exhibited by people who struggle with discipline and self-control. The goal isn’t to criticize or condemn, but to shine a light on these habits so that we can better understand ourselves and make positive changes.

So let’s dive in, and see if any of these behaviors sound familiar to you.

1) Procrastination is their middle name

Procrastination is a common trait among those lacking discipline and self-control.

You see, disciplined individuals understand the value of time. They set goals, create plans, and follow through on them without delay. Self-control enables them to resist the temptation of distractions and stay focused on the task at hand.

On the other hand, those who struggle with self-control and discipline often find themselves consistently pushing tasks off until later. They’re always saying “I’ll do it tomorrow,” or “I’ll start next week.”

The problem with this is that ‘tomorrow’ or ‘next week’ often becomes ‘never’. Tasks pile up, deadlines are missed, and goals remain unmet.

Do you often delay tasks? If so, it might be a sign that you’re grappling with a lack of discipline and self-control. But don’t worry, recognizing the issue is the first step in addressing it.

2) Impulsive decisions are a norm

Impulsivity is a clear sign of a lack of discipline and self-control. I’ve seen this in my own life.

There was a time when I’d make decisions on a whim, without giving much thought to the consequences. This showed up in small ways, like making unnecessary purchases just because something caught my eye in the store. It also showed up in bigger ways, like choosing to go out with friends instead of studying for an important exam.

I was ruled by my immediate desires and impulses rather than making decisions based on my long-term goals.

What I’ve learnt is that disciplined people think things through. They take the time to consider the consequences of their actions, and make decisions that align with their goals and values.

If you find yourself making impulsive decisions often, it could be a sign that you need to work on your discipline and self-control. But remember, it’s a journey, not a destination. Small, consistent steps can lead to significant changes over time.

3) Lack of routine

For many people, a structured routine can feel restrictive or boring. But in reality, having a routine can be incredibly liberating. It provides a framework that guides our actions and decisions, freeing up mental energy for other tasks.

Those who struggle with discipline and self-control often lack a consistent routine. Their days may seem chaotic or disorganized, with tasks being done haphazardly rather than in an orderly manner.

Interestingly, research shows that children who have a regular bedtime routine perform better in school compared to those without one. This is because routines provide structure and predictability, which can reduce stress and improve mental health.

If your days often feel chaotic or unstructured, it might be worth considering the benefits of a routine. It doesn’t have to be rigid or complicated – even simple routines can have a big impact on our productivity and wellbeing.

4) Difficulty in saying no

Saying no can be a challenge for many people, especially those who lack discipline and self-control. They often find themselves agreeing to things they don’t really want to do, simply because they struggle to assert their boundaries.

This can lead to overcommitment, stress, and a feeling of being out of control. It can also prevent them from focusing on their own goals and priorities, as they’re too busy trying to meet the demands of others.

Disciplined individuals, however, understand the power of saying no. They recognize that their time and energy are limited resources, and they’re not afraid to politely decline requests that don’t align with their values or goals.

If you frequently find yourself saying yes when you really want to say no, it could be a sign that you need to work on your discipline and self-control. Remember, it’s not about being selfish – it’s about respecting your own needs and boundaries.

5) Always seeking external validation

Recognition and praise are nice to receive, but when we become dependent on them to feel good about ourselves, it might indicate a lack of self-control and discipline.

People who constantly seek external validation often struggle with their self-esteem. They frequently compare themselves to others, and their sense of worth is tied to other people’s opinions.

It’s a difficult cycle to break, because the need for approval can feel so compelling. But the truth is, relying on external validation is like building a house on shifting sands – it’s not a stable foundation.

Disciplined individuals understand this. They seek self-validation instead, finding satisfaction in their own achievements and personal growth.

If you find your mood fluctuating based on the approval or disapproval of others, it’s worth taking some time to reflect. Remember, your worth isn’t determined by external factors – it comes from within. Building self-discipline and self-control can help you focus more on your own journey and less on the opinions of others.

6) Struggling with consistency

Consistency is a hallmark of discipline and self-control, but it’s something I’ve struggled with in the past.

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I would start a new project or habit with great enthusiasm, only to lose interest or motivation after a short while. This pattern repeated itself over and over again – from fitness plans to personal projects.

What I’ve realized is that this lack of consistency was due to a lack of discipline and self-control. I was letting my immediate feelings dictate my actions, rather than staying committed to my long-term goals.

Maintaining consistency isn’t always easy, but it’s essential for achieving anything worthwhile. It means showing up even when you don’t feel like it, and pushing through even when things get tough.

If you find yourself struggling with consistency, it could be a sign that you need to work on your discipline and self-control. Remember, success isn’t about grand gestures or overnight transformations – it’s about the small, consistent actions we take every day.

7) Difficulty in setting and achieving goals

Identifying what you want to accomplish and then methodically working towards those goals requires a considerable amount of discipline and self-control.

People who lack these traits often struggle to set concrete goals. And when they do manage to set them, they frequently find it hard to stay committed for the long haul.

They might be easily swayed by distractions, fail to break their goals into manageable steps, or give up when faced with obstacles.

Those with discipline and self-control, on the other hand, are able to set clear, achievable goals and stay focused on them. They’re not deterred by setbacks – instead, they see them as opportunities to learn and grow.

If you’re having trouble setting or achieving your goals, it might be a sign that you need to work on your discipline and self-control. Remember, every journey begins with a single step – and every step brings you closer to your goal.

8) Neglecting self-care

Discipline and self-control aren’t just about productivity and achieving goals. They’re also about taking care of yourself.

People lacking discipline and self-control often neglect their own needs. They may skimp on sleep, eat poorly, or fail to make time for relaxation and fun. They might push themselves too hard, leading to burnout and stress.

In contrast, disciplined individuals understand that self-care is essential. They prioritize things like healthy eating, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. They know that to be their most effective, they need to look after their physical and mental health.

If you find yourself neglecting self-care, it’s a clear sign that you need to work on your discipline and self-control. Taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity. And it’s the most important thing you can do for yourself.

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Picture of Isabelle Chase

Isabelle Chase

Isabella Chase, a New York City native, writes about the complexities of modern life and relationships. Her articles draw from her experiences navigating the vibrant and diverse social landscape of the city. Isabella’s insights are about finding harmony in the chaos and building strong, authentic connections in a fast-paced world.



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