People who become more physically fit as they get older usually adopt these 9 subtle behaviors

Fitness isn’t just about hitting the gym or counting calories. It’s about adopting certain behaviors that keep you physically fit as you age.

Let’s clear one thing – getting older doesn’t necessarily mean getting unfit. There are plenty of folks who are in better shape in their 50s than they were in their 20s.

And they didn’t achieve it overnight, nor was it purely a game of genetics. They adopted subtle, yet powerful behaviors that made all the difference.

Here are nine such subtle behaviors that people who get more physically fit as they age usually adopt. And guess what? You can adopt them too.

1) They make exercise a non-negotiable part of their day

It’s no secret that consistency is key to maintaining physical fitness. But as life gets busier, it can be easy to let exercise slide off the priority list.

Yet, the individuals who manage to stay fit as they age, treat exercise not as an optional activity but as a non-negotiable part of their day.

Just like brushing teeth or having breakfast, they ensure that their day includes some form of physical activity. It could be a morning jog, an evening yoga session, or even a brisk walk during lunch break.

The point is – they move. Every single day. No excuses.

Sounds simple, yet this consistent commitment to daily physical activity becomes a powerful behavior that contributes to their ongoing fitness.

And the good news? You don’t need to be a gym rat or run marathons to adopt this behavior. Start small, but make sure you start. Because every bit counts when it comes to staying fit as you age.

2) They prioritize good sleep

Here’s a personal story. A few years back, I found myself constantly exhausted and struggling to keep up with my fitness routine. My workouts felt like a chore, and I was losing the motivation to stay active.

After consulting with a health coach, I realized that my poor sleep habits were sabotaging my fitness goals. I was staying up late, watching TV or scrolling through social media, and consequently, not getting enough quality sleep.

Once I started prioritizing good sleep – establishing a regular sleep schedule, creating a peaceful sleep environment, avoiding screens before bed – I noticed a dramatic change. I woke up feeling refreshed and energized, ready to tackle my morning workout.

The individuals who stay fit as they age understand the importance of good sleep for recovery and energy. They know that consistent quality sleep is as crucial as regular exercise.

And from personal experience, I can vouch for the transformative power of good sleep on overall fitness and wellbeing.

3) They stay hydrated

Water is the unsung hero of physical fitness. Your body needs adequate hydration to function optimally, that includes everything from digestion to muscle function.

Staying hydrated is a behavior that fit older individuals rarely overlook. They understand the importance of regular fluid intake and make an effort to drink water throughout the day, not just when they’re thirsty.

This might seem insignificant, but consider this: your body can lose up to 10% of its water when you’re active, and even mild dehydration can impair physical performance and cognitive function.

So whether you’re working out or simply going about your day, keeping yourself hydrated can significantly contribute to your overall fitness and wellbeing.

4) They maintain a balanced diet

Fit individuals don’t just focus on exercise. They understand the crucial role of nutrition in maintaining physical fitness.

As we age, our nutritional needs change and a balanced diet becomes even more important. Incorporating a variety of nutrient-rich foods can help fuel workouts, aid recovery, and keep the body functioning at its best.

Individuals who stay fit as they get older often have a mindful approach to eating. They don’t subscribe to crash diets or quick fixes. Instead, they focus on consuming wholesome foods – fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains – that provide the nutrients their bodies need.

Remember, what you put in your body is just as important as what you do with your body. A balanced diet is key to staying fit and healthy at any age.

5) They keep learning

One common trait among people who stay fit as they age is their curiosity and willingness to learn. They understand that the world of fitness is continually evolving, with new research, techniques, and trends coming up all the time.

They don’t stick to the same old routine year after year. Instead, they are open to trying new workouts, exploring different nutritional approaches, and learning about the latest findings in fitness and health.

This constant learning not only keeps their fitness routine fresh and engaging but also helps them make informed decisions about their health and fitness strategy.

In fitness, as in life, continuous learning can open up new possibilities and lead to better results. So, stay curious, keep learning, and keep moving.

6) They embrace change

As we age, our bodies change. It’s an undeniable fact of life. And often, these changes can feel daunting, even discouraging, especially when it comes to maintaining physical fitness.

But those who stay fit as they age have a different perspective. They embrace these changes, not fear them. They understand that their body isn’t the same as it was in their twenties or thirties, and that’s okay.

They adapt their fitness routines to suit their changing bodies, focusing on what they can do rather than what they can’t. They listen to their bodies, honor its limits, and celebrate its capabilities.

Embracing change in this way may not always be easy, but it is empowering. It allows you to continue pursuing fitness in a way that respects your body and its journey.

Remember, fitness isn’t a destination. It’s a lifelong journey that evolves with you. Embrace the journey and the changes that come with it.

7) They cultivate a positive mindset

There was a time when I used to dread my fitness routine. It felt like a chore, something I had to do rather than something I wanted to do. I was constantly comparing myself to others, feeling inadequate, and beating myself up over missed workouts or indulgent meals.

Then, I realized that my mindset was the problem. I was viewing fitness as a punishment, not a privilege.

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I decided to shift my perspective. Instead of focusing on what I couldn’t do or hadn’t achieved, I started appreciating what my body could do and celebrating every small step towards my fitness goals.

This shift in mindset transformed my relationship with fitness. It became less about the outcomes – losing weight, building muscle – and more about the process – staying active, feeling strong, taking care of my health.

People who stay fit as they get older often have this positive mindset. They view fitness as a celebration of their bodies and their abilities. They focus on progress, not perfection.

A positive mindset can be a powerful tool in your fitness journey. It can motivate you to keep going, even when things get tough. So, celebrate every step, every rep, every healthy choice. You’re doing great!

8) They incorporate variety in their workouts

Doing the same workout day in and day out can get monotonous. Moreover, over time, your body adapts to the same routine, which can slow down your progress.

People who stay fit as they age understand the importance of incorporating variety into their workouts. They mix things up – strength training, cardio, flexibility exercises, balance drills – to keep their workouts interesting and challenge different muscle groups.

Variety not only helps prevent workout boredom but also enhances overall fitness by working different aspects of physical health. Plus, it reduces the risk of overuse injuries that can occur from doing the same movements repetitively.

So, don’t be afraid to try new workouts or fitness classes. Mixing things up can add a fun element to your fitness routine and keep you motivated in your journey towards staying fit as you age.

9) They make fitness a lifestyle, not a phase

The most important thing to understand about people who stay fit as they age is that fitness is not a phase for them, it’s a lifestyle. It’s not something they do for a few months to achieve a specific goal and then abandon. It’s a part of who they are.

They don’t view fitness as a temporary fix but as a lifelong commitment to their health and wellbeing. It’s not about quick results, but sustainable habits.

This mindset shift – from fitness as a phase to fitness as a lifestyle – is perhaps the biggest secret behind their ongoing fitness. And it can be yours too.

Final thoughts: It’s a journey worth taking

At the heart of staying physically fit as we age is a simple truth: our bodies were designed to move. And every step, every stretch, every heartbeat is a testament to this inherent design.

Incorporating these subtle behaviors into our lives isn’t about chasing a number on the scale or fitting into a certain dress size. It’s about honoring our bodies and acknowledging their need for care and movement.

It’s about embracing the changes that come with each passing year, and seeing them not as obstacles, but as parts of our ever-evolving journey. A journey towards wellness, longevity, and an improved quality of life.

So next time you lace up your sneakers for a run or choose a salad over a burger, remember that you’re not just making a decision for today. You’re investing in your future self. You’re choosing a lifestyle that will allow you to enjoy the richness of life, for longer.

And at the end of the day, isn’t that what it’s all about? To live longer, healthier, happier lives. To be able to enjoy the company of our loved ones, to explore new places, to cherish each moment that life offers us.

Staying physically fit as we age might require effort, but given the rewards – it’s undoubtedly a journey worth taking.

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Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown is a renowned expert in mindfulness, relationships, and personal development. With over a decade of experience, Lachlan has dedicated his career to exploring the intricacies of human behavior and self-improvement. For his latest articles and updates, follow him on Facebook here



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