If a man uses these 10 phrases in a conversation, he’s a master at emotional manipulation

Ever felt a weird vibe while chatting with a guy, but couldn’t figure out what was wrong? You’re definitely not alone.

Sometimes, those smooth-talkers aren’t as innocent as they seem. They could be using their charm to manipulate your emotions. And the worst part? It’s not always easy to spot.

Now, don’t worry. This isn’t about making you paranoid. No, this article is all about empowering you.

We’ve got a list of 10 telltale phrases that might suggest a man is trying to play with your feelings. And by knowing these phrases, you can keep yourself safe from emotional harm.

Who knows? You might learn something new!

1. “You’re overreacting”

Now, let’s start with a classic. The phrase “you’re overreacting” is a common tool in an emotional manipulator’s kit. It’s subtle and can easily make you second-guess your feelings.

If a man uses this phrase frequently, he might be trying to belittle your emotions. By making you feel like you’re blowing things out of proportion, he’s invalidating your feelings and experiences.

Remember, everyone has the right to feel their emotions. If something upsets you, it’s valid. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

2. “I was just joking”

Next up is the phrase, “I was just joking.” This one is tricky because it’s often disguised as light-hearted banter. But when used repeatedly, especially after saying something hurtful, it can be a sign of manipulation.

If a man frequently hurts your feelings and then brushes it off as a joke, he might be trying to make you feel like you’re the one at fault for not being able to take a joke.

Nobody should have to tolerate hurtful comments under the guise of humor. Remember, it’s not a joke if it hurts you. It’s essential to stand your ground and let the person know that their words aren’t acceptable.

3. “You’re too sensitive”

Here’s another classic: “You’re too sensitive.” This phrase is often used by manipulators to make you question your emotions and reactions. Let me share a personal example.

I once had a friend who would constantly make negative comments about my appearance. When I confronted him about how it hurt me, he simply shrugged and said, “You’re too sensitive. I’m just being honest.”

The reality was, he was using this phrase to deflect the blame onto me and avoid taking responsibility for his behavior. It took me a while to recognize this pattern, but once I did, I realized it was a form of manipulation.

Remember, your feelings are valid and you have every right to express them. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re too sensitive or that your emotions are misplaced. That’s not their call to make.

4. “No one else thinks that”

This phrase, “No one else thinks that,” is another manipulative tactic. It’s used to isolate you and make you feel like your opinion is invalid or irrelevant.

Here’s an interesting fact: according to psychologists, this tactic is known as ‘gaslighting.’ It’s a form of psychological manipulation where a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual, making them question their own memory, perception, or sanity.

In this instance, by telling you that no one else shares your opinion or feelings, the manipulator is attempting to make you doubt your own thoughts and feelings. Remember, just because others might not share your viewpoint doesn’t make it any less valid. Your opinions are your own and they matter.

5. “If you really cared about me, you would…”

This phrase, “If you really cared about me, you would…” tugs at your heartstrings and can leave you feeling guilty or obligated to act in a certain way.

Manipulators often use this phrase to guilt-trip you into doing something you’re uncomfortable with or don’t want to do. They’re essentially questioning your love or care for them based on your willingness to meet their demands.

It’s important to remember that real love is about respect and understanding, not manipulation and control. No one should ever use your feelings for them as a tool to get what they want. It’s okay to set boundaries and say no, even to those you care about. True care and love mean respecting each other’s needs, space, and decisions.

6. “You’re just not understanding me”

Another phrase to watch out for is, “You’re just not understanding me.” This one hits close to home for me.

I had a colleague who would often use complex jargon and terms while explaining a task. When I would ask for clarification, he’d respond with, “You’re just not understanding me.” It made me feel incompetent and question my abilities.

With time, I realized that it was his tactic to maintain a power dynamic. He wanted me to rely on him and feel less confident about my own capabilities.

Remember, it’s not your fault if someone fails to communicate clearly. Good communication is about making sure the other person understands, not just speaking your mind. If a man often uses this phrase, he may be trying to undermine your confidence.

7. “I’m sorry, but…”

This one stings. “I’m sorry, but…” It’s the manipulator’s way of pretending to apologize without actually taking responsibility for their actions. It’s a fake apology.

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Let’s be real here. If someone truly feels sorry, there are no ‘buts.’ They acknowledge their mistake and seek to make amends, period. But with emotional manipulators, the ‘but’ is followed by an excuse that shifts the blame away from them.

So, if you hear this phrase often, it’s a red flag. Remember, an apology should be about acknowledging the wrongdoing and expressing remorse, not making excuses. It’s about owning up to one’s actions, not passing the buck.

8. “I would never hurt you”

This phrase, “I would never hurt you,” might initially seem sweet and reassuring, but it can be a manipulative tactic.

Here’s an interesting fact: According to psychologists, this is a common phrase used by manipulators to create a sense of safety and trust. It’s a preemptive strike to make you less likely to believe they could do something harmful.

If a man frequently uses this phrase without any prompt, especially if his actions say otherwise, he might be trying to manipulate your perception of him. Actions speak louder than words, always remember that. Trust should be earned through consistent behavior, not just words.

9. “Can’t you take a compliment?”

“Can’t you take a compliment?” This phrase has been thrown at me more times than I can count. It often comes after a ‘compliment’ that feels more like a backhanded criticism.

I remember a time when a guy complimented my dress, but quickly added that it made me look slimmer than usual. When I didn’t respond positively, he asked, “Can’t you take a compliment?”

It took me time to realize that this was his way of undermining my self-esteem under the guise of flattery.

Remember, compliments should make you feel good, not uncomfortable or defensive. If they’re laced with subtle digs or criticisms, they’re not compliments. Listen to your gut; if it doesn’t feel like a genuine compliment, it probably isn’t.

10. “Why can’t you be more like…?”

Finally, we have the comparison game: “Why can’t you be more like…?” This phrase is a brutal blow to your self-esteem.

There’s nothing more crushing than being compared to someone else, especially in a negative light. It can make you feel inadequate and unworthy.

Manipulators often use this phrase to make you feel inferior and to control your behavior. They’re basically saying that you’re not good enough as you are and they want you to change.

But here’s the raw truth: You are enough. Just as you are. No one should ever make you feel otherwise. No one has the right to compare you to others or ask you to change who you are. You deserve respect, acceptance, and love for being yourself.

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Picture of Isabelle Chase

Isabelle Chase

Isabella Chase, a New York City native, writes about the complexities of modern life and relationships. Her articles draw from her experiences navigating the vibrant and diverse social landscape of the city. Isabella’s insights are about finding harmony in the chaos and building strong, authentic connections in a fast-paced world.



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