This is the 21st post in our “How I Blog” series. To read the rest, visit the archives. Interested in participating? Drop us a note about ‘How I Blog’ along with a photo or yourself or your blogging space at tips [at] blogmedia [dot] biz.
Keith D. Souza, Blogger.
Well there is another question I should start here, why I started blogging.
Blogging always amazed me and I have always been a regular reader of so many blogs, I was totally amazed by the way people could express themselves without fears, let people on to information and ideas of things ranging from technology to cooking, raising a child to protesting against cruelties, whatever topic can come to mind has one or manys blogs that relate to it.
I was always passionate about writing and I wrote my first post on September 07 2004 at, I later blogged on various other sites, but i started active blogging as recent as March 2006, it has been since then that I have been posting regulalry on my site.
Now coming to how I blog, Well I am no technology expert but a decent person with good technoloy knowledge, that’s why I blog pre dominantly about technology, actually I am software engineer by profession and can get a great deal to know about how a site works exactly to let my readers know more about technology.
I am basically a person who works on the internet making software for the interent around 10 hours a day and try to spend atleast 2-3 hours on a weekday and more on weekends for my blogging activities, with around 9 years of exposure to the internet I am quite comfortable with how the internet works and can dig out information from the internet with relative ease.
I blog from topics ranging from Google to Firefox and Microsoft and about the latest Web2.0 technology to be released everyday. I get my news at times from sources, through the internet or subscribing to services that provide early or pre-release information about services or software that will be released.
Before I write an article I do some basic fact finding as to whether the thing I am going to write is actually true or not, or If I am writing a post for some new service or software release, I make it a point to use the service / software first getting the experiences that I can pass on to my readers, along with screen shots of those to make it a better read for my readers.
I also write tutorials about using software help newbies in programming, tweaking softwares for optimal usage, extended reviews for softwares I use which will help me pass on some of the things I learn to my readers.
Though I don’t do that frequently, I have started to make it a point to write atleast one such post a week to help my readers get the best out of a software / service as many things are not generally known, like the article which I did recently to solve a bug with Firefox search box, got me lots of new friends thanking me for helping them with something that was worrying them.
Well finally to end, blogging to me is basically creating ideas out of nothing and making them something good for readers, I have tried to do this to whatever extent I can.
I have also created four more blogs to which I post content regulalry, sometimes new and sometimes from my own site. The reason to creating different blogs was that I want to blog about lots of things ranging from technology to sports, personal and politics and I need to keep each blog just for a particular topic itself rather than mixing my site with different contents, which often make the reader’s more confused as to where they have landed and what the blog is all about.
That’s it I guess this has taken as much thought for me to write as much as I write a blog post, well its kinda of a blog post itself, is it?
Keith D. Souza blogs at
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