People who become intolerable to be around as they get older usually display these 8 behaviors

Ageing is a natural process that affects everyone differently. For some, it’s a graceful march into wisdom, for others, it’s a descent into behaviors that make them difficult to be around.

Usually, these individuals aren’t intentionally irritating. They simply adopt certain habits or traits over time. However, these can often lead to strained relationships and isolation.

In this article, we’ll explore the 8 common behaviors that people who become intolerable as they age often display. It’s important to note that these aren’t inevitable signs of ageing but rather patterns one should be conscious of to avoid becoming a difficult companion.

1) Constant negativity

As we age, we all face our share of challenges. But for some, these challenges turn into a constant stream of complaints.

These individuals develop a pessimistic perspective that colors every interaction. They find faults in everything – the weather, the food, the younger generation – making them a draining presence to be around.

This constant negativity can often be a defense mechanism against the fear of ageing or the hardships they have faced. But without a balance of positivity, it can make them intolerable to others.

It’s essential to remember that everyone has their struggles. Constant complaining not only pushes people away but also prevents these individuals from finding joy and gratitude in their everyday lives.

So, keep an eye out for this behavior and make an effort to address it constructively if you notice it creeping into your own attitudes.

2) Resisting change

I’ve noticed in my own life that as some people get older, they become more resistant to change. It’s as if they’ve settled into their ways and are unwilling to adapt to new situations or ideas.

Take my Uncle Joe, for example. He was always the life of the party, full of energy and enthusiasm. But as he got older, he became increasingly set in his ways. When his children suggested he switch to a smartphone for better communication, he stubbornly stuck to his old flip phone. His refusal to adapt made it difficult for us to keep in touch and resulted in unnecessary misunderstandings.

This resistance to change can push people away, especially those who are trying to help or connect with them. By staying open-minded and flexible, we can keep our relationships strong and thriving, no matter how old we get.

3) Lack of empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s a quality that helps us connect with people on a deeper level. However, as some people get older, they tend to lose touch with this essential human trait.

Research shows that as we age, our cognitive empathy, or ability to understand another person’s perspective, can decline. This can result in individuals becoming more self-centered and less considerate of others’ feelings.

When empathy is absent, it’s hard for others to feel understood and valued, creating a barrier in relationships. It’s important for us to continually cultivate empathy throughout our lives, ensuring that we remain compassionate and understanding individuals.

4) Overbearing opinions

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But there’s a fine line between sharing your views and enforcing them on others. Unfortunately, some people, as they get older, start crossing this line more frequently.

They believe that their life experience gives them the authority to dictate what’s right and what’s wrong. And while experience does bring wisdom, it doesn’t automatically make every opinion right.

This overbearing behavior can be suffocating for others, resulting in strained relationships. It’s crucial to remember that everyone has unique experiences and perspectives. Listening and respecting other people’s views is just as important as expressing our own.

5) Neglecting personal growth

Growing old doesn’t mean we stop growing as individuals. Life is a continuous journey of learning and evolving, no matter our age. Sadly, some people tend to neglect personal growth as they grow older, becoming static in their ways.

They stop challenging their minds, exploring new interests, or nurturing their passions. This lack of personal growth can often lead to stagnation and a loss of vitality that makes them less engaging to be around.

Remember, age is just a number. It’s never too late to learn a new skill, take up a hobby, or broaden your horizons. Embrace the journey of personal growth; it not only keeps you vibrant but also makes you a more interesting companion as you age.

6) Dwelling on the past

There’s a certain charm in reminiscing about the good old days. But when the past becomes a constant topic of conversation, it can become tiresome for others around.

I’ve struggled with this myself. After a significant change in my life, I found myself constantly talking about how things used to be. It took a close friend to point out that I was living in the past and missing out on the present.

Dwelling on the past not only makes one less enjoyable to be around but also prevents them from appreciating and engaging with the present. It’s important to cherish our memories, but equally important to stay connected with the here and now.

7) Being overly critical

Constructive criticism is valuable. It helps us grow and improve. But there’s a difference between offering helpful feedback and being overly critical.

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As some people age, they develop a tendency to criticize more frequently and harshly. Whether it’s their children’s life choices or the state of the world, nothing seems to meet their standards.

This behavior can make them difficult to be around as it creates a negative environment. It’s crucial to remember that perfection is an illusion. Accepting imperfections and focusing on the positive aspects can lead to healthier relationships and a happier outlook on life.

8) Isolation

Humans are social beings. We crave connection and companionship. However, as some people age, they tend to isolate themselves, either out of fear, pride, or bitterness.

This isolation not only makes them difficult to be around but also contributes to their feelings of loneliness and depression. It’s important for us to seek out social interactions and maintain our relationships throughout our lives.

Remember, it’s the quality of our relationships, not the quantity of our years, that truly defines our lives.

The essence: It’s about understanding

The complexities of human behavior are deeply tied to our personal experiences, environment and even our genetic makeup.

One crucial aspect to remember is that people don’t usually become intolerable as they age out of choice. Often, it’s a result of fear, insecurity or a lack of awareness about their behaviors.

A quote by Carl Jung, a renowned psychiatrist, rings true here, “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”

In the case of those who become difficult to be around as they age, understanding plays a key role. Understanding these behaviors could be the first step towards addressing them, either in ourselves or in others.

Whether it’s resisting change, dwelling on the past, or developing an overly critical attitude, awareness is the first step towards change.

So, as we navigate our own aging process or interact with those further along in their journey, let’s strive to understand more deeply. Because at the end of the day, growing old isn’t just about adding years to life, it’s about adding life to years.

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Picture of Isabelle Chase

Isabelle Chase

Isabella Chase, a New York City native, writes about the complexities of modern life and relationships. Her articles draw from her experiences navigating the vibrant and diverse social landscape of the city. Isabella’s insights are about finding harmony in the chaos and building strong, authentic connections in a fast-paced world.



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