8 types of people in life you should never waste your time on, says a psychologist

Navigating the social seas can sometimes feel like a daunting task. You’re bound to encounter a variety of personalities, some of which may not be beneficial to your life’s journey.

According to a psychologist, there are eight types of people you might want to steer clear from. These individuals could drain your energy, distract you from your goals, or just leave you feeling worn out.

Now, people aren’t categories, and no one’s character is set in stone. But recognizing certain traits can help shield your precious time and emotional well-being.

Let’s dive in and explore these eight types of people, as guided by psychology. This isn’t about judging others. It’s about understanding where to invest your time wisely for a healthier, happier you.

So buckle up for an enlightening ride!

1) The perpetual victim

We all face adversity at some point, it’s part of life.

But there are some people who seem to be perpetually stuck in a cycle of victimhood, where everything is always happening to them, and they take no responsibility for their actions or circumstances.

A psychologist would tell you that this constant victim mentality can be emotionally draining for those around them. Not only does it become tiring to listen to their endless complaints, but it can also begin to impact your own mental health.

These individuals often have a hard time accepting accountability for their actions, which can lead to blame shifting and guilt-tripping. You may find yourself constantly trying to lift their spirits or solve their problems, only for them to fall back into the same patterns.

It’s not your responsibility to fix someone else’s life. You have your own challenges to face and goals to pursue. While empathy is important, you must also safeguard your own emotional well-being.

By spending less time with perpetual victims, you can focus more on positive relationships that encourage mutual growth and respect.

2) The excessively positive

Positivity is generally seen as a good thing, right? But, there’s a type of person who takes it to an extreme, where everything is always sunshine and rainbows, even when it’s not.

These excessively positive individuals often dismiss the realities of life’s challenges and hardships. They may ignore your genuine feelings or concerns, making you feel unheard or invalidated.

While their relentless upbeat demeanor may seem admirable, psychologists suggest it can actually be detrimental. It can create an unrealistic expectation for constant happiness and could potentially lead to feelings of inadequacy when you inevitably face life’s ups and downs.

True positivity acknowledges the negatives but chooses to focus on the positives. It’s okay to be unhappy or frustrated at times – it’s part of being human.

So, while it’s great to have positive people in your life, avoid those who dismiss the realness of life’s challenges in favor of a perpetually sunny disposition. Life isn’t always perfect, and that’s okay.

3) The constant critic

We all know someone who never misses a chance to point out a flaw or make a critical remark. They might present their opinions as helpful suggestions, but it often feels like they’re just picking you apart.

Engaging with a constant critic can be exhausting. Their relentless nitpicking can erode your self-esteem and make you doubt your abilities. Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to criticism can lead to increased levels of stress and anxiety.

Not all criticism is bad – constructive feedback can help us grow and improve. But there’s a big difference between someone who offers helpful, considerate feedback and someone who just constantly criticizes.

Avoiding the latter can help protect your self-esteem and mental health.

Remember, no one is perfect, and it is our imperfections that make us human and unique. Surround yourself with people who recognize and appreciate this fact, rather than those who use it as fodder for criticism.

4) The emotional vampire

In every interaction, there are those who leave you feeling uplifted and those who seem to drain the energy right out of you.

These individuals, often referred to as emotional vampires, can be quite taxing on your mental and emotional health.

An emotional vampire might frequently demand your attention or involve you in their personal dramas. They might have a knack for turning every conversation back to themselves.

While it’s important to be there for friends in need, it’s equally important to recognize when it’s becoming a one-sided relationship.

Your time and emotional energy are valuable. It’s not selfish to want a balance in your relationships, where both parties offer support and understanding. You’re allowed to establish boundaries and prioritize your own well-being.

We all have the capacity for empathy, but it doesn’t mean we should allow ourselves to be drained by others. It’s okay to take a step back from relationships that leave you feeling depleted rather than fulfilled.

5) The never-wrong

We’ve all come across someone who simply refuses to admit they’re wrong. No matter what the situation or how clear the evidence, they’ll twist and turn facts to suit their narrative.

Interacting with a ‘never-wrong’ can be quite tiresome. They may engage in endless debates, dismiss your perspective, or even belittle you for not agreeing with them. This could make you feel unheard and disrespected.

Being right isn’t always the most important thing – understanding, kindness, and respect carry far more weight in a healthy relationship. It’s also crucial to remember that it’s okay to make mistakes; it’s how we learn and grow.

Having someone who acknowledges their faults and is open to learning new things can be far more enriching. 

6) The unreliable friend

We all have that one friend who is always late, forgets plans, or cancels at the last minute. I remember planning a surprise birthday party for a friend, and one person committed to bringing the cake. Guess who showed up two hours late with no cake in hand?

Reliability is a crucial aspect of any relationship. When someone consistently fails to follow through on their commitments, it can leave you feeling frustrated and undervalued.

See Also

While occasional lateness or forgetfulness can be forgiven, a persistent pattern might indicate a lack of respect for your time and feelings. It’s important to surround ourselves with people who value our time and keep their promises.

Remember, relationships are built on trust and reliability. If you find yourself constantly let down by someone, it might be time to reevaluate how much time you invest in them.

7) The fair-weather friend

When the sun is shining and life is going well, they’re right there with you. But when the clouds roll in and you need a shoulder to lean on, they’re suddenly nowhere to be found.

These fair-weather friends are only around for the good times, the easy moments. When challenges arise, they vanish, leaving you to face the storm alone.

It’s a harsh reality to face. But the truth is, friendship isn’t just about celebrating highs – it’s about supporting each other during lows as well. You deserve people in your life who stick by you, through thick and thin.

Don’t invest your precious time in people who aren’t willing to do the same for you. Friendships should be a two-way street, not a one-way trip that only works when it’s convenient for them. You’re worth more than that.

8) The self-centered individual

Last but certainly not least, is the self-centered individual. They tend to make every conversation about them, show little interest in your life, and rarely consider your feelings or needs.

Interacting with a self-centered person can leave you feeling unheard and unimportant. But here’s the thing you should always remember: your thoughts, feelings, and experiences matter just as much as anyone else’s.

You deserve to be around people who genuinely care about you, who listen when you speak, and value your presence in their life.

Don’t let anyone make you feel like you’re not worth their time or attention.

You deserve respect, kindness, and consideration in all your relationships. Stand firm in this truth and choose to spend your time with those who recognize and appreciate your worth.

Final thoughts

In this journey of life, it’s important to remember that your time and energy are precious. And while this article provides some guidance on types of people you might want to steer clear from, the final decision will always rest with you.

Remember, who you choose to spend your time with can greatly impact your emotional well-being and overall life satisfaction.

Let this article serve as a gentle reminder to value your time, protect your peace, and invest in relationships that enrich you. After all, life is too short to spend it with people who don’t respect or appreciate you.

Here’s to making choices that lead to a happier, healthier life. Remember, you hold the power to shape your own journey.

Choose wisely!

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Picture of Tara Whitmore

Tara Whitmore

Tara Whitmore is a psychologist based in Melbourne, with a passion for helping people build healthier relationships and navigate life’s emotional ups and downs. Her articles blend practical psychology with relatable insights, offering readers guidance on everything from communication skills to managing stress in everyday life. When Tara isn’t busy writing or working with clients, she loves to unwind by practicing yoga or trying her hand at pottery—anything that lets her get creative and stay mindful.



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