8 signs that you’re actually a very difficult person to get along with (even if you don’t realize it)

Do you ever wonder why it seems like people are always avoiding you? Or why your relationships never seem to last? You might not realize it, but you could be a difficult person to get along with.

Being difficult does not necessarily mean that you’re a bad person, it just means your ways might not resonate well with others. And guess what? There are signs that can help you identify if you fall into this category.

In this article, we’ll explore 8 signs that you’re actually a very difficult person to get along with (even if you don’t realize it). It’s all about self-awareness and understanding how your actions might be impacting those around you.

Let’s dive in and discover these signs together.

1) You’re often the center of conflicts

If you find yourself constantly in the eye of the storm when it comes to disagreements or conflicts, it could be a sign that you’re a tough person to get along with.

It’s natural for people to have occasional disagreements, but if you’re regularly finding yourself in disputes, it’s time to take a step back and consider your role in these situations.

Are you always the one initiating arguments? Do you have a hard time letting things go? Or do you always have to “win” every disagreement?

Being at the center of conflicts more often than not suggests that your approach may be causing friction with others. It’s important to understand that it’s okay to agree to disagree sometimes, and that not every conversation has to end with a clear winner.

2) You’re not the best at listening

This one hits close to home for me. For a long time, I prided myself on being a great conversationalist. I could keep a conversation going and had an opinion on just about everything. But one day, a close friend pulled me aside and told me something that took me by surprise.

She said, “You’re always talking, but you never really listen.”

At first, I was defensive. But as I thought about it, I realized she was right. I often found myself waiting for my turn to speak rather than genuinely listening to what the other person was saying.

This habit made me difficult to get along with because conversations with me became one-sided. It wasn’t an intentional thing, but it was something I needed to address.

If you too find yourself preparing your response while the other person is still talking or always steering the conversation towards your interests and experiences, it could be a sign that you’re not the easiest person to get along with.

Improving your listening skills can go a long way in building better relationships with those around you.

3) You often use negative language

Have you ever noticed how some people always seem to see the glass half empty? They constantly use negative words and phrases, focusing on what’s wrong rather than what’s right.

Studies have shown that negative language can not only affect your own mindset but also the people around you. It creates a pessimistic environment that can make interactions with you draining rather than energizing.

If phrases like “I can’t,” “It’s impossible,” or “This always happens to me” frequently roll off your tongue, it might be a sign that you’re a difficult person to get along with.

Shifting your language from negative to positive can dramatically improve your relationships and how people perceive you. It’s all about focusing on solutions rather than problems and seeing obstacles as opportunities for growth.

4) You struggle with empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It’s what allows us to connect with people on a deeper level.

But if you find it hard to put yourself in someone else’s shoes or struggle to validate their feelings, you could be a challenging person to get along with. Without empathy, your interactions can come across as insensitive or uncaring.

Try to be more mindful in your conversations. Practice active listening and show genuine concern for others’ feelings and experiences. Remember, it’s not always about giving advice or finding a solution. Sometimes, it’s just about being there and showing that you understand.

5) You rarely show gratitude

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful. It’s about acknowledging the kindness and efforts of others.

But if you find it hard to say “thank you” or often overlook the efforts of those around you, it might make you a bit difficult to get along with. People naturally want to feel appreciated and valued, and when they don’t, it can lead to strained relationships.

Remember, the smallest act of kindness deserves recognition. Whether it’s a friend lending an ear when you’re upset or a colleague helping you with a challenging task, show your appreciation.

See Also

Just a simple “thank you” can go a long way, making others feel valued and reinforcing positive interactions. After all, a world where gratitude is shared freely is a much nicer place to be.

6) You’re often defensive

A few years back, I received some constructive criticism at work. Instead of taking it in stride, I immediately went on the defensive, justifying my actions and blaming others. I soon realized that my defensiveness was a barrier, preventing me from growing and improving.

If you too find yourself often defending your actions or thoughts when they are questioned or criticized, you might be difficult to get along with. Defensiveness can come off as hostility or refusal to accept responsibility, which can strain relationships.

Learning to accept feedback without getting defensive can improve your interactions significantly. It shows maturity, openness, and a willingness to improve – qualities that make any relationship stronger.

7) You’re resistant to change

Life is all about change. Whether it’s a new job, a move to a different city, or even a change in routine, life keeps evolving.

But if you find yourself resistant to any form of change and insist on things always being done your way, it could make you difficult to get along with. This resistance can come off as inflexibility and might make others hesitant to approach you with new ideas or changes.

Being open to change doesn’t mean you have to accept every new idea that comes your way. It just means being willing to consider different perspectives and not being overly attached to your own methods.

After all, flexibility is a sign of strength – not weakness – and can make you more approachable and easier to work with.

8) You lack self-awareness

Self-awareness is arguably the most crucial trait when it comes to getting along with others. It’s about understanding your strengths, weaknesses, emotions, and the effect you have on those around you.

If you’re unaware of how your actions and words impact others, it’s likely that you’re a difficult person to get along with. Without self-awareness, you might unintentionally hurt or annoy others without realizing it.

Developing self-awareness is not an overnight task, but it’s well worth the effort. It can lead to healthier relationships, better communication, and a deeper understanding of yourself and others. And ultimately, it can transform you from being a difficult person to get along with to someone people genuinely appreciate and enjoy being around.

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Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown is a renowned expert in mindfulness, relationships, and personal development. With over a decade of experience, Lachlan has dedicated his career to exploring the intricacies of human behavior and self-improvement. For his latest articles and updates, follow him on Facebook here



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