Day 96 of 100 blogs in 100 days comes to us from Sharelle
Blog: I Guess We’ll Just Have To Adjust
About: “Out of the millions of submissions you’ve surely already received for your “100 blogs in 100 days” feature, it’s difficult to say why you should even consider mine. I have no fancy programming skills to make intricate menus and no real sense of aesthetic to make beautiful minimalist designs. I just have a slightly tweaked Blogger template and an attempt at a sense of humour (in Canada we spell it with a “u”, but if you’re in the United States, I guess you don’t). One could say my blog is to or Boing Boing what Charlie Bucket is to Veruca Salt and Augustus Gloop: poor and skinny, but pure of heart. But bullshitery aside, I try to write about things that I find interesting and hope other people will too. I spend a lot of time reading and poking around the internet (I [heart] the internet) and I try to share some of the quirkiest and most eccentric things I find. Sometimes I’m original and sometimes I’m not, but I always try!”
So drop on by to I Guess We’ll Just Have To Adjust and let Sharelle know what you think.
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