Language is a powerful tool. It can reveal much about a person’s intelligence, and according to psychology, there are certain words you’ll never hear an intelligent person use.
Now, don’t get me wrong. This isn’t about big words versus small ones. It’s about the clarity, precision and impact of the words we choose.
Smart folks understand this. They know that some words just don’t carry the same weight or convey the right message.
Let’s dive in.
1) Literally
Language, as we know, can be a definitive marker of one’s intelligence. And one word you’re unlikely to hear from an intelligent person is “literally”.
Why so, you might wonder?
Well, it’s because intelligent people understand the importance of precision in language. And the word “literally” has been severely misused in recent years.
Originally meant to denote something that is exactly true or accurate, the word “literally” has been stretched thin to stress a point or exaggerate. You’ll hear phrases like “I literally died laughing” or “I’m literally starving”, which are, of course, not literally true.
Smart folks avoid such misuse. Instead, they opt for words that precisely convey their message without resorting to hyperbole.
When you find yourself reaching for the word “literally”, pause and think if there’s a more accurate word you could use. After all, language is a reflection of our thoughts, and clear thoughts lead to clear language.
2) Very
Here’s a confession – I used to use the word “very” a lot. I mean, it seemed like a simple way to intensify anything I was describing. Something wasn’t just “good”, it was “very good”. A task wasn’t just “hard”, it was “very hard”.
But then, I started noticing a pattern among the intelligent people I admired. They rarely used the word “very”. And it got me thinking – why?
Turns out, “very” is often just a lazy substitute for a more specific, descriptive word. Instead of saying something is “very good”, why not say it’s “excellent”? Instead of “very hard”, why not “challenging”?
Intelligent people understand that the devil is in the details. By choosing more precise words, they can communicate their thoughts more effectively and showcase their vocabulary at the same time.
And so, I decided to follow suit and ditch the word “very” from my own language. It wasn’t easy at first, but with time, I found my vocabulary expanding and my communication becoming clearer. Now, I encourage you to do the same!
3) Irregardless
Step into the world of linguistics and you’ll find that “irregardless” is a word that sparks quite a bit of debate. While it has made its way into some dictionaries due to common usage, it’s fundamentally a non-standard word.
Here’s the scoop – “irregardless” is actually a blend of “irrespective” and “regardless”. It’s often used to mean “without regard to” or “despite”, but the prefix “ir-” and suffix “-less” both create a double negative, which can lead to confusion.
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Intelligent people tend to be sticklers for proper usage, and so, “irregardless” is typically absent from their vocabulary. They opt for standard words like “regardless” or “irrespective”, which clearly and correctly convey their intended message.
While language does evolve and new words can gain acceptance over time, it’s important to understand the roots and implications of the words we use. Especially when aiming for clear and effective communication.
4) Always
The word “always” is another one that intelligent folks tend to avoid. This might seem surprising, as “always” is such a common word. But it’s precisely its overuse and the black-and-white thinking it denotes that make smart people wary of it.
Let’s face it – life rarely deals in absolutes. Using “always” can close off dialogue and limit perspective. For instance, saying “You always forget to call” can come off as accusatory and fail to account for the times when the person did remember to call.
Intelligent people understand the power of nuanced language. They prefer to express themselves in a way that leaves room for exceptions and acknowledges complexity. Instead of “always”, they might use phrases like “often” or “usually”, which are more accurate and less likely to trigger defensiveness.
Language isn’t just about conveying facts. It’s also about managing relationships and emotions. And smart people know how to use it to their advantage.
5) Hate
Strong words reflect strong emotions, and “hate” is as strong as they come. While we all have things we don’t like or disagree with, intelligent people tend to steer clear of using the word “hate” loosely.
Why is that?
Well, “hate” is a powerful and absolute term. It leaves little room for middle ground or change of heart. By using it, you risk coming off as intolerant or close-minded, even if that’s not your intention.
Smart folks know that it’s more effective to express their dislikes or disagreements in a balanced, thoughtful way. Instead of saying they “hate” something, they might say they “prefer not to”, “don’t care for”, or “disagree with” it.
In this way, they convey their stance without shutting down dialogue or alienating others. After all, intelligent discourse thrives on understanding and respect, not hostility.
6) Impossible
The word “impossible” has a finality to it that can be quite disheartening. It shuts down hope, innovation, and the very human spirit of resilience. Intelligent people know this all too well, and that’s why you’ll rarely hear them utter this word.
They understand that labeling something as “impossible” is often more indicative of our limitations in thinking and understanding, rather than a true measure of feasibility. Consider all the inventions and discoveries that were once deemed impossible – flight, space travel, even the internet!
Smart folks prefer to cultivate a mindset of possibilities and growth. Instead of declaring something as “impossible”, they might say it’s “challenging”, “unexplored”, or “yet to be conquered”.
This subtle shift in language can make a world of difference. It keeps the door open for creativity and breakthroughs, fueling the drive to explore, learn, and grow. After all, the only true impossibility is in giving up.
7) Stupid
Once upon a time, I found myself using the word “stupid” more often than I’d like to admit. It was an easy way to dismiss things that didn’t align with my views or understanding.
However, as I grew older and hopefully wiser, I realized this word did more harm than good. Calling something or someone “stupid” shuts down the opportunity for understanding and empathy. It creates a barrier rather than fostering dialogue.
Intelligent people realize that everyone has different perspectives, experiences, and levels of understanding. Labeling someone as “stupid” is not only disrespectful, but it also denies the chance for growth and learning on both sides.
Instead of resorting to such derogatory terms, smart individuals choose words that foster communication and understanding. They express disagreement with respect and strive to learn from differing viewpoints.
Life is a continuous learning journey. The moment we label others or their ideas as “stupid”, we close off a potential avenue for our own growth.
8) Busy
In today’s fast-paced world, it seems like everyone is “busy”. But look closer, and you’ll find that intelligent people rarely use this word to describe themselves.
This might seem surprising. After all, smart people are often involved in many things – so why wouldn’t they refer to themselves as busy?
The reason is simple. Intelligent people understand that being “busy” can often be a shield, a way to avoid prioritizing or saying no. It creates an illusion of productivity while potentially leading to burnout and inefficiency.
Instead of proclaiming how “busy” they are, smart folks prefer to be “productive” or “engaged”. They focus on managing their time effectively and prioritizing tasks based on their goals and values.
So next time you’re tempted to say you’re too “busy”, take a moment to evaluate. Are you truly busy, or are you just avoiding the hard task of prioritizing?
9) Can’t
The word “can’t” is another one that you’ll rarely hear from intelligent individuals. This small, seemingly harmless word can actually have a big impact on our mindset and potential.
Saying “I can’t” implies a permanent inability, a closed door. It focuses on limitations rather than possibilities. It’s defeatist and doesn’t leave room for growth or improvement.
Smart people know this. They understand the power of language in shaping our reality. Instead of saying “I can’t”, they might say “I’m struggling with this” or “I need to learn how to do that”. These phrases acknowledge the current challenge but also imply the possibility of change and progress.
Remember, the words we use have a profound impact on how we perceive ourselves and our capabilities. Choosing empowering language is a simple but effective way to foster a growth mindset.
10) Whatever
The word “whatever” can seem harmless enough. But in truth, it’s a word that intelligent people tend to avoid.
Why? Because “whatever” is dismissive. It can signal a lack of care or investment in a conversation or decision. It suggests indifference and can often come off as disrespectful.
Smart individuals understand the importance of clear and thoughtful communication. They value the exchange of ideas and strive to contribute meaningfully to conversations.
Instead of resorting to “whatever”, intelligent people might say “I’m open to suggestions” or “What do you think?”. These phrases express flexibility while still showing respect for others’ ideas and input.
In the end, it’s all about communicating with intentionality and respect. Because the words we choose matter—they shape not only how others perceive us, but also how we perceive ourselves.
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