Is your blog sitting unloved and unvisited? are you writing the next big thing yet you don’t know how to get some high profile attention? or do you just want a link from a blog in the Feedster 500? Introducing The Blog Herald 100 blogs in 100 days.
While others bleat on about diversity in the blogosphere, I’m going to show over the next 100 days some of the wonderful cross-section of blogs out there that others may not have yet discovered (including myself). It’s also your chance to get a post here at the Blog Herald just about your blog, and its all very simple.
Email me at with subject line of “100 blogs in 100 days” with your blogs details (name, url etc..). You also need to include up to, but no more than 100 words about your blog, what it does, what it’s about, or why the readers of the Blog Herald should visit it that will be published as part of the post. In return though I’ll be inviting Blog Herald readers to provide some feedback in the comments here on what they think about your blog.
Conditions: well there isn’t a lot. You don’t have to provide a link to the Blog Herald, but if you do I’m going to look at your application more favourably. Blogs that are already linked in my blog roll here at the Blog Herald (or in the sidebar generally) are excluded from entering. No porn or spam blogs will be considered. By all means email me from day one, but as this is going for 100 days you can email me next week, or next month if you like as well. I’ll be stock pilling the entries and running them as time goes on, so if you’re not featured in the first week dont be discouraged because 100 days is a lot of time, and there is 100 slots available.
So tell your friends, tell your family, tell your dog. I’m going to spread some link love in the next 100 days, and it all starts here Monday August 22.
Update: my many thanks for the many wonderful entries and suggestions. As you see from this post that I’ve been offline for a day and a bit, and I’ve come back to a full inbox. I will get to everyone eventually. Please keeping sending in the entries. What I plan to do at this stage is email everyone selected for the week ahead on Sunday US EST (Monday my time) every week. Catch is that you wont know what day it will be. Please don’t panic if you don’t get an email this week or next week. Every email will be considered. As the name says, this is 100 blogs in 100 days, so every blog will get a look in. Naturally I can’t promise that every blog will get a run, but 100 days is a long time.
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