It looks like iPhone lovers who adhere to the faith of WordPress will have yet another reason to be jealous of their Blackberry friends.
The long coveted formatting bar which first appeared in the WordPress Android app is now making its way over to the Blackberry cult, making this author realize that he bought the wrong smartphone.
We have released a development snapshot of the app that includes an HTML formatting bar and minor changes on the UI front.
The formatting bar allows you to italicize, and embolden text, makes easy HTTP links and lists, without having to manually type in the coding. […]
Furthermore, we have introduced an HTML code assistant that make inserting html faster than ever. just [sic] type the angular bracket and a popup for tag selection is shown on the screen. This is an experimental feature, we could remove it in the next dev release. (WordPress for Blackberry Dev Blog)
Currently iPhone lovers can receive the coveted formatting bar through the BlogBooster app (for the price of $5), although the premium app currently lacks video support (a feature WordPress is promising to add to the iPhone app).
WordPress could be delaying the launch of their new iPhone app until iPhone OS 4.0 rolls out to the masses (as iPhone apps will have to upgrade to the new operating system or face Steve Jobs wrath).
Either way it looks like Blackberry fans can now boast that they will have the most advanced mobile blogging app in the world, with Android fans coming in at a close second (with iPhone users looking upon both platforms with a jealous eye).
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