We Want Plates! Food Blogger Criticizes Quirky Food Serving Trends

Food serving trends

If you’ve been paying attention to the foodie scene then you have probably noticed the strange new trend hitting restaurants around the world. One British food blogger is pointing out how restaurants are working hard to serve their food in the quirkiest of ways. Ross McGinnes finds this trend pointless and says he has had enough of “all this style-over-content hipster nonsense.”

To combat the trend, McGinnes created the Twitter feed, @WeWantPlates. The feed shares pictures of the strangest platings you have ever seen. From an athletic cup to a shoe, the restaurants are taking it a little too far.

“What the food tastes like has become secondary – some chefs are more concerned whether it’ll look good, or quirky, on Instagram. Too much time is spent faffing around balancing six chips in a mini wheelbarrow,” McGinnes said.

McGinnes wants restaurants to realize the importance on focusing on the food. After all, that’s why they exist in the first place. Plus, it is just so dang unpractical!

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“It’s nothing to do with being civilised, it’s simple practicality! Have you tried pouring gravy on a chopping board, or chasing blueberries around a roof tile covered in icing sugar? It’s infuriating. Slate is the worst – the sound of cutlery against the surface is akin to nails down a blackboard.”

With more than 100,000 followers, it seems that McGinnes isn’t alone in his stance. While he points out it is all tongue-in-cheek fun, he sees the potential for a culinary movement back to the traditional plates.

McGinnes even jokes that one day we will want restaurants to serve our food on roof tiles and chalkboards. Until now, we can have a few laughs at @WeWantPlates tweets.

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Picture of Meagan Freeman

Meagan Freeman



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