Today is a sad day for Vox fans. After having launched the social networking blog platform in 2006, it looks as if the Six Apart execs are shutting down Vox at the end of the month.
Vox has been a fun place to explore, create and connect with your friends. But Vox is closing its doors on September 30, 2010.
This doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to your blog. We want you to make sure you can keep the great content you’ve shared on Vox, and continue to have a home for your blog. To help you make the transition off of Vox, we’ve added new export features that make it easy to move your blog to a free TypePad account, and your photos & videos to Flickr. (Official Vox Blog)
The few passionate users of the service are not thrilled with the news (as one can tell by the comment section) and many are already reporting errors when it comes to migrating to Typepad and Flickr.
Users of Vox probably need a premium service of Typepad or Flickr in order to transport all of their media content or consider migrating to free platforms like WordPress or Posterous (which Six Apart to their credit also mentions).
While news of the site’s shut down comes as no surprise (as not many people were apparently on Vox), Michael Arrington is reporting of rumors about a merger between Six Apart and VideoEgg.
Rumors of a Six Apart acquisition began swirling yesterday. Our sources suggest that Six Apart and VideoEgg will merge and that Six Apart will come away with 25% of the new company. […]
Says a source, “Six Apart is hosed, so they are screwing [VideoEgg] by making them buy Six Apart – and [thereby] diluting [VideoEgg] shareholders.” (Business Insider)
If true, this would be bad news for Six Apart’s investors, especially since the company recently purchased NaturalPath Media in June.
While Six Apart has yet to show any signs of joining Vox on the endangered species list (as the company “looks” profitable), hopefully the team can put some new life into both Typepad and Movabletype (the latter which could potentially challenge WordPress).
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