All is not well at 9rules today with word coming via BlogNetworkWatch that network owner Paul Scrivens has launched a jihad against 9rules members who don’t meet the following (new) rules:
– 9rules sites will only be allowed to be in 9rules – and not in any other content network. Blogs must make a decision where they want to be.
– All adult oriented or sexually explicit sites will be removed.
– Sites that don’t continue to meet the “quality” that 9rules stands for will be removed
– All sites are currently being reviewed and are subject to being removed.
Now I don’t want to attack 9rules here because they’ve got some great bloggers on board, and have really done a lot in promoting great looking blogs….but stuff it. Taking on more new blogs than a whore in a Kalgoorlie brothel has clients in a week and then basically chucking out older members who have been loyal 9rules members because they are mates with people you no longer like, because they don’t meet your “quality test” despite the fact you’ve already accepted them in on the same “quality” assessment, or because some sites might conflict with the new 9rules spin off porn blog network is as low as Nick Denton’s Gawker Media pay rates.
And yes, I’m feeling snarky today, 2 days lost work due to computer problems does and stacking shelves to midnight last night does that :-)
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