Probloggers prefer WordPress: unscientific analysis of comment thread

Pro bloggers prefer WordPress over Movable Type, was the finding of The Blog Herald’s unscientific analysis of readers this morning (as at comment 51).

The study follows a post on the perennial topic of WordPress v Movable Type where readers were invited to have their say.

Interestingly the comments from the smaller number of Movable Type readers indicated that a number of them were aware of the improved benefits of WordPress but they were secure with their current choice and were concerned that a change to WordPress may have negative effects on their blogs in terms of traffic and their current positions in the search engines due to the different URL’s for posts such a change brings.

Reasons given by WordPress users for making the switch include arrogance (sorry MT 3’s licensing debacle), easy of use, cost, strong community support group (1 user said that MT support had virtually dried) quickness, templates and spam abilities.

See Also
"Shifting Strategies"

A number of other readers also sited alternative pieces of blogware, but the prize for the most confused (or brave) blogger went to Shai Coggins, who professed to

“using for my podcast, Expression Engine for my personal blog, Movable Type for my private blog, WordPress for a writing blog, pMachine Pro for a creativity blog and my video blog, and Nucleus for And, I’โ‚ฌโ„ขve got several blogging accounts on various services such as Xanga, ModBlog, LiveJournal, Multiply, MSN, Yahoo 360, etc. And, I’โ‚ฌโ„ขve used and worked with Drupal, Mambo, etc.”

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