Are Posterous Pages Potentially Dangerous?

Posterous (considered by some to be Tumblr’s biggest rival) is finally allowing users to create pages to accompany their blogs.

Unlike Tumblr however, Posterous is enabling fans of the service to add a few extra features to pages that may appeal to keep-it-simple bloggers, not to mention spammers as well.

We decided to use the same great editor that you are already using for posts. This means you can edit rich text, upload any media, and add and edit photo galleries. All of the cool features that we’ve created for posts—like link auto-expansion and syntax highlighting—come along for the ride with pages. […]

We allow you to create a page that redirects to a static URL. You may want to do this if you want to add a link to one of your social networks, or to a page tTo [sic] do this, simply click on the “Page Options” tab, and add a URL where it says “Redirect to:”. When your visitors click on a link to a redirect page, they will be redirected to the URL you specified. (Official Posterous Blog)

Although it’s great to see Posterous finally add pages (which is considered a standard feature in Blogger, WordPress and Tumblr), the page redirect feature is potentially dangerous as one could redirect a curious user towards a site filled with malware.

Perhaps Posterous could consider giving users about to be redirected a link to the actual site (similar to how Facebook warns users who are about to be redirected towards another site).

See Also
"Digital Strategies"

Danger aside, the ability to add video to pages will appeal to bloggers deciding to explain themselves beyond text and images (without having to host the video upon YouTube).

Thus far Posterous is quickly emerging as a serious blog platform, although it remains to be seen whether the tiny startup can overtake Tumblr who seems to be the envy of the blog world (at least upon Typepad and WordPress).

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Picture of Darnell Clayton

Darnell Clayton

Darnell Clayton is a geek who discovered blogging long before he heard of the word "blog" (he called them "web journals" then). When he is not tweeting, friendfeeding, or blogging about space, he enjoys running, reading and describing himself in third person.



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