Pajamas Media, a conservative blog network/affiliate advertising company (note: think BlogAds) is shutting down their advertising network by April 1st, an item that caught many (conservative) bloggers off guard. (hat tip: Atlas Shrugged)
(Roger L. Simon) As a result we have decided to wind down the Pajamas Media Blogger and advertising network effective March 31, 2009. The PJM portal and the XPressBlogs will continue as is.
Since our ad relationship continues for the time being, you should note that in order to be paid for the 1st quarter of 2009, you must leave the current Pajamas ads up until 12:01AM April 1. We will be sending you information in mid-March on removing the ads. As of April 1, 2009, you will be free to arrange syndication or re-sale deals.
Pajamas Media initially launched their ad network in order to help boost conservative bloggers pocket books and “free” them from using “liberal alternatives” such as Google AdSense, Yahoo! Publisher and Microsoft Ads.
Unfortunately the ad network was not profitable from the very beginning, ย and its closure is sparking reaction across the (conservative) blogosphere, with some blogs shutting down by the first of April.
This has caused some bloggers to lash out against Pajamas Media, with others chiming in why the ad affiliate network was a failure from the very beginning.
While Pajamas Media itself will live on, its abscence from the advertising realm may put a financial dent into the conservative blogospherewhich may put them at a dissadvantage against their progressive rivals.
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