Choosing a reliable hosting company for your website can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to the world of website development and that’s where HostUCan’s Host Relevancy Check Tool comes into play, by entering the name of your proposed hosting company along with some basic information about your sites initial traffic expectations and the type of framework your site will be built upon (Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, etc) you can find out if the hosting provider you are investigating can handle your sites needs.
To begin using the program I navigated to the host relevancy check tool start page. Once on that page a simple “Search Company” box is shown:
As you can see I typed in the host provider in that section, since I wanted to find Arvixe Review information I simply typed in the name Arvixe and then clicked on the magnifying glass icon to the right.
After clicking on the search icon the next page displays found results for the company I was investigating, again in this case that would be Arvixe Web Hosting. As you will notice the screen that displays shows how many people have recommended the company (86% of reviews recommend the company) along with the ability to submit a review. To begin the next step in the process users simply need to click on the dark blue “Relevancy Checking” button located towards the right hand side of the display.
After clicking on the relevancy checking tool the next screen displays all available pricing plans for the selected host. For my testing purposes I chose the Arvixe Personal Class which costs $4/month with unlimited disk space and unlimited monthly transfers. To test any plan simply click on the “Check” button to the right hand side of that plans options.
After clicking the “Check” button the “Web Host” and “Plan Name” fields were auto filled in for me and I just had to go to the “About Your Site” section and choose my framework fromt he “Any Framework” section, which for my testing purposes was Wordpress. Below that option I then chose the 0 ~ 300 pageviews option and clicked the “continue” button.
Once I had given the necessary information about my framework and pageview levels and clicked continue the hosting company’s rating was revealed based on the plan I chose. As you’ll notice from the screenshot below the program gave a 0 ~ 300 pageview Wordpress setup an “Excellent” rating thanks to an overall score of 4.67 out of 5 stars from 3 reviews. The Hostucan hosting reviews system also shows the uptime report for the company over the last 30 days and below that section actual user reviews can be read.
To test how well the system changes recommendations I also chose the 601-1000 pageviews setup for a Wordpress based website and it turns out that the same Arvixe plan doesn’t rate well when more daily pageviews are added into the mix. It should be noted that the “Not Recommended” option this time came because nobody had rated the system, not necessarily because the service isn’t suited to handle 1000 daily pageviews. If like me you don’t like uncertainty you’ll probably want to steer yourself towards more established plans with better testing and therefore customer review thresholds.
A quick note about the tool, as you’ll notice on the left hand site under “Application Hosting Search” you can easily change the framework or daily pageviews for quick testing, this is a great option if you quickly want to see how well a hosting plan will allow your website to scale.
HostUCan has made a great web host relevancy check tool for users who want quick access to information about how well a host will support their framework and visitor levels, give it a try today and maybe even leave some prior web hosting reviews of your own.
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