Location based service Foursquare has teamed up with daily social coupon site Groupon to offer users daily deals in the Explore tab of the Foursquare application.
Offering daily deals through partners is nothing new for Foursquare which has previously teamed up with LivingSocial, Gilt City, AT&T Interactive, BuyWithMe and Zozi however the Groupon offers are by far the largest to grace the applications presence.
Foursquare plans to fully launch the program on Sunday which will see Groupon’s daily deals appearing next to their five other partners on a regular basis. The program is convenient since the deals are pulled in by location, which means a user visiting another city doesn’t have to reconfigure their favorite daily deals sites to find special offers each day.
As with their other partners Foursquare will give the mayor of each location a special deal on top of the Groupon deal, while the partnership will earn Foursquare a part of Groupon’s revenue for each deal they help close, making the partnership truly beneficial for everyone involved.
The move shouldn’t surprise anyone who has been following either company as rumors of their talks have been circulating for months. It will be interesting to see if Groupon deals are given any type of priority over the company’s other partners given the size of the Groupon system.
The move will also likely stoke buyout rumors. Over the last several months various stories have circulated which point to a possible takeover bid of the location based service by Groupon, a move that would make sense considering Groupon has already showed interest in the space by releasing their own location based system called Groupon Now.
Here’s a closer quick look at the new Groupon and Foursquare partnership display:
The program as you’ll notice in the screenshot operates like business as usual for Foursquare output with the Groupon deal displaying to the right side of the app. If all goes as planned users will not only buy and use Groupon coupons that very same day since they are already near the location, they’ll also leave comments about their experiences at which time other Groupon users on Foursquare may choose to purchase the deal before it ends after reading positive notes from other Foursquare users. Just think of this new campaign as “instant review promotion.”
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