Dear Syntagma re: offensive and please decide

eGonzo Weekly by Martin Neumann

Dear John,

Firstly, I have respected you for a while, even enjoyed some of your blogs. But my respect for you and your blog network is fast waning. Why?

Your totally offensive post on the death of Steve Irwin at your blog, Celebrity at Work.

First of, the title to your post “Steve Irwin – Hero or Suicide?” Suicide??? WTF!

And then it goes from bad to worse to finally offensive.

… who took his own life as surely as any Jihadist suicide bomber

Are you really comparing the two? Please! If so, I really have to question your state of mind.

You have totally misread 99% of the audience on this one (not good for a wannabe web magazine publisher). People the world over have been using blogs to express their emotions … by the thousands – blog posts and comments.

To bring up suicide and jihadist suicide bomber in the same sentence as Steve Irwin is offensive. It also speaks of your total lack of respect.

You then go on to question the sanity of your potential audience…

In the modern world, people are projecting themselves onto insignificant TV ‘โ‚ฌล“celebrities’โ‚ฌ? and identifying with them to an extent that puts a question mark over their sanity.

I suspect you have a major chip on your shoulder, are an elitist and you have constantly misread the public emotions and desires. Are you sure you can handle being a “web magazine” publisher with such a poor record?

To be honest with you John, I am totally disgusted with you and what you have written. It’s tough words, but it’s got to be said and I’m saying it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Next I want to question you on your recent (and continuing) anti-blog network stance.

For a network (blog, web magazine … whatever!) who is trying to wash their hands of the too-geeky blogosphere why are you commenting all over the place at … blogs and blog networks?

I don’t get it.

See Also
"Danny Bass Growth"

You want to get away from all of us, yet you keep coming back. Sorry, but it just doesn’t make sense.

If you truly believe in where you want to be heading then cut the cord with the blogosphere and get on with business – my bet is you can’t because then no one would be listening. And because at the end of the day, web magazine or not, you will always be thought of as a blog network – unless you radically change your blog (sorry, magazine) layout.

I’ve noticed across the blogosphere (the very same blogosphere you stick you nose up at) many comments you are making lately. It’s strange for me to keep seeing you bring up your “web magaizne” changes – like you are trying to talk yourself into believing it’s a good move. It’s either that or a desperate cry for attention … can you please leave a comment (actually engage in a conversation) without dragging out your own network and trying to sell to us all what you are doing?

Sadly John, I respected you once but this time I just can’t read what you’re on about.

I wonder why you even bothered starting a blog network if you where going to turn on it. I actually don’t mind the “web magazine” theories and ideas you have put forth – but really, it’s time to put up or shut up.

Which is is?

PS. I suspect we will be tutored to in the comments as to the what/why/how of what you’re doing with your network … again!

Martin Neumann blogs at The Blog Columnist and ePublishingDaily

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Picture of Martin Neumann

Martin Neumann



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