Calacanis questions Technorati redesign

Weblogs Inc., founder Jason Calacanis has slammed the new design layout of blog search site Technorati.

In a post to his personal Calacanis writes that he hates the new design, that its cluttered and that it suffers from absurdly narrow column for the search results.

I think he’s write. First thoughts on the design: a hello kitty cartoon, way to much bubbles with the rounded edges and way big text, I’d hate to think how big it would be a 800×600. From what I can gather the move is about opening up Technorati to a larger audience, which basically means consumer bloggers, but I’m not sure a Japanese style cartoon theme is the way to go. Having said all of this its not going to make me stop using the service, although I think taking things down market could threaten Technorati’s whole credibility in the longer term.

See Also
AI Investment

Share your thoughts: do you like the new look Technorati?

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