Arrington adds CrunchBoard to his network, rakes in the dough in the process

Michael Arrington, of TechCrunch fame, has now launched CrunchBoard, a niche job site focused on the tech & web 2.0 market.

Crunch Board Logo

Arrington writes in his announcement post:

Our goal with CrunchBoard is to build the ultimate web insider’€™s network. A thirty day ad costs $200. I’€™ll consider CrunchBoard a success if we manage to put the right people together and make the entire ecosystem a little more efficient. RSS feeds are available for all listings as well as for each category.

A quick look at CrunchBoard shows 49 job postings, bringing Arrington a cool $9,800 if all of those positions were charged at the full price of $200 per posting.

Ben Metcalfe notices the same thing:

See Also
Growing Appeal

A quick look over yesterday’€™s job posting shows that in the first 36 hrs of the site going live, 43 jobs were posted ‘€” that’€™s a revenue of $8600. Or just under $240 an hr, every hour. With what I would imagine to be very little costs associated with the operation of the site.

A nice little earner, as we say here in East London. And hey, I’€™m not knocking it – good on him for using his position to expand his website. But equally I can’€™t stop thinking that that’€™s a lot more than what most people earn doing the coding jobs, etc, that are being advertised on there.

Not a bad rate of income, I’d say. Hell, perhaps it’s time for us to revamp BloggerJobs and start charging for postings.

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Picture of Matt Craven

Matt Craven

Matt Craven is the former editor & publisher of The Blog Herald. Currently, Matt is the co-founder of Bryghtpath LLC, a consulting practice located in Woodbury, Minnesota. Matt's presently looking for new blogging gigs. Ping him at matt (at) bryghtpath dot com. You can follow him on Twitter.



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