Angry Bloggers

Angry Liberal Blogger
Saturdays’s Washington Post profiled angry left bloggers who are using blogs to vent their outrage:

In the angry life of Maryscott O’Connor, the rage begins as soon as she opens her eyes and realizes that her president is still George W. Bush. The sun has yet to rise and her family is asleep, but no matter; as soon as the realization kicks in, O’Connor, 37, is out of bed and heading toward her computer.

Out there, awaiting her building fury: the Angry Left, where O’Connor’s reputation is as one of the angriest of all. “One long, sustained scream” is how she describes the writing she does for various Web logs, as she wonders what she should scream about this day.

The article goes on to profile many liberal bloggers in the United States, including Duncan Black’s Eschaton, the Daily Kos, and

The reality is that there are angry bloggers on both the left and the right in the United States. There are also angry centrist bloggers and angry libertarian bloggs – and then there are just angry people in general.

But my observation is that the angry left is really pissed off. Some examples from the article include:

Meanwhile, over on Eschaton, Dave is writing, “As a matter of fact — I do hate Bush!”

See Also
"Complex Google Rankings"

On Rude Pundit: “George W. Bush is the anti-Midas. Everything he touches turns to [expletive].”

On the Smirking Chimp: “I. Despise. These. [Expletive]!”

And my advice to O’Connor is to never allow a photo like that to be taken of you for a major article like this.

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Picture of Matt Craven

Matt Craven

Matt Craven is the former editor & publisher of The Blog Herald. Currently, Matt is the co-founder of Bryghtpath LLC, a consulting practice located in Woodbury, Minnesota. Matt's presently looking for new blogging gigs. Ping him at matt (at) bryghtpath dot com. You can follow him on Twitter.



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