African bloggers slam Live 8

Interesting feedback coming from some excellent African blogs I’ve stumbled across via an article at criticizing Live 8.

Some of the best commentary and coverage can be found at Black Looks, who covers Live 8 as well as Zimbabwe with this striking comment:

As for African governments refusing to condemn Mugabe that is hardly surprising as they are all one side of the same coin. How can (Nigerian President) Obasanjo condemn Mugabe when he is committing human rights violations himself? What have African leaders done about Darfur- nothing. So why should they break the mold and condemn Mugabe? It is African leaders who are only interested in solidarity for African leaders. The people vote differently.

For those who might actually be deep enough to actually ask Africans what’s wrong with Africa instead of getting on the Live 8 guilt bandwagon (or should that have been Live 8: help African nations purchase more Mercedes because some of them only bought 20 for their leaders this year) check out some of these blogs.

See Also

Afican Bullets and Honey: A sometimes satirical and always interesting look at Africa, its politics and people

Thinkers Room:
“the quicker leaders of poor nations that appear begging in 6 door Mercedes limousines are thrown out smartly on their ears the sooner they will learn from the school of hard knocks that they have to live within their means.”

Passion of the Present: “a place for sharing ideas and inspiration on how to stop the genocide in Darfur, Sudan”

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