Duncan Riley> Strange headline you might think? Well it was only a few days ago I was sticking up for Google, but today I change my tune. Google has banned WordPress due to the unfortunate and misguided actions of one person, who got himself mixed up in an attempt to manipulate search engine results. Well, many would argue, fair enough, so heres my challenge to Yahoo! and MSN today: ban all free Blogger sites currently hosted by Google (Blogspot.com domain). Why? well if its fair to punish WordPress for the actions of one, multiply this by the many thousands today who use the free blogs provided by Blogger to manipulate search engines. No, I’m not talking legitimate blogs, I’m talking about “Spam Blogs”, blogs that are generated automatically and are filled with links with the sole purpose of improving search engine positioning. Do we know how many there are? There are 10,900,000 references on Google at the Blogspot domain, we can’t be sure that these are not all “spam blogs” that a polluting search results, so ban them all, Google banned the main page of WordPress, so Yahoo! and MSN, ban Blogspot.com.
Is there a difference? well what’s going on at Blogger is a disgrace that Google has failed to address and pollutes the blogosphere and the internet, and there are thousands of spammers and SEO’s in on the act. Even David Sifry over at Technorati recognises the rise of spam blogs, writing: “There is a dark underbelly to these numbers, however: Part of the growth of new weblogs created each day is due to an increase in spam blogs – fake blogs that are created by robots in order to foster link farms, attempted search engine optimization, or drive traffic through to advertising or affiliate sites”, in the case of WordPress, one person made a mistake on one site. Yet I suppose WordPress is an easier target, isn’t it?
Some come on Yahoo! and MSN, follow Google’s lead and take a stand against those that seek to manipulate search results, ban free Blogger sites from your results today!
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