News from the Google Analyst Day that Jason Calacanis’ Weblogsinc is bringing in over $600 USD per day in Adsense revenue and made $45,000 USD in its first 4 months with the program, which would put its yearly take from Adsense revenue alone to in excess of $180,000 per year based on this early figure, but with continued growth amongst the Weblogsinc sites and regular new additions to the network, we asre guessing that the figure will be closer to $250,000 USD over 12 months.
This, coupled with strong private advertising sales for a number of the more high profile Weblogsinc properties, could well be propelling Weblogsinc towards the $1 million USD advertising revenue figure.
The news follows recent reports that Gawker Media’s new blog Lifehacker recieved $75,000 for a 3 month exclusive advertising deal from Japanese electronics maker Sony.
(via Problogger)
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