Duncan Riley> All the blogosphere is a buzz (yet again) on the issue of spam blogs at the moment. Some coverage here, here, here and here for those interested, but heres something that may come of a shock. I couldn’t care less anymore.
Am I surrendering? well maybe yes and maybe no, because I tossed up providing coverage to the topic again but as I yawned about 5 times in quick succession I considered that I’d written about it all before, and that you, as readers of the Blog Herald had seen it all before. And guess what, not only have things not improved, they’ve gotten worse.
I took a quick look back through the archives here at the Blog Herald and I stumbled across my entry from June 30 calling on Google to do something about spam blogs. Back in March Matt Haughey wrote that spam blogs on blogspot “[are] hurting America.”. Mark Cuban said in August that he’d ban the blogspot domain from Icerocket due to spam blogs, which, to his credit, he’s now done. Also in August was a test that found that 60% of blogs on the blogspot domain are spam blogs…..getting a picture here. All that is old is new again.
I for one propose that we all surrender to the spam blog overlords and join in celebration as we share in their illicit profits. We might even get to have a drink and meet with Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
I’ll be attacked for that last comment, as I was when I originally shared my concerns about Google’s actions at the time, but ask yourselves this: Google has the ability to filter out spam blogs tomorrow. The number one choice of advertising on spam blogs in Adsense, which provides revenue to Google. Google refuses to act on spam blogs AND continues to profit from them. Great for their shareholders and bottom line, but very bad for the blogosphere.
So here’s our choice. Give up, or even better ignore them. I’m probably going to take the later choice for now, because at the end of the day who am I to argue with the corporate might of the Google dollar, and I do, after all, have an Adsense account.
Does this make you angry? I really hope it does. The question then is: can the combined weight of the blogosphere be pulled together to deliver Google a message, or are we better getting along with our own business, knowing to well that divided we shall never be victorious?
United we stand, divided we fall…or in the case of blogs probably get squashed as the blogosphere losses all credibility under the weight of the crap being hosted by Google.
Food for thought!
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