If ever there was a case of relevance deprivation syndrome, and a really, really pathetic and sad one at that, its Robert Scoble, who instead of pointing out that a Jeremy Hermanns, one of the chaps behind Blogebrity, was on the Alaskan Airlines plane that had the emergency landing and blogged about it with pictures, he refers to the incident by saying….
I’โฌโขve been on that plane
Damn, I’โฌโขve been on the Alaska Airlines flight that lost pressurization.
and then can’t even use his Microsoft fattened fingures to actually type Jeremy’s name, writing of him only as a “citizen journalist ”
That’s right folks, in Scoble’s world the fact he’s been on a plane in the past that was in an emergency is far, far, far more important than the actual incident or the name of the blogger on board.
Sorry folks…this is seriously f*cked. Scolbe should be bloody ashamed of himself…but of course he won’t be, because the “conversation” of blogs that is so important to him is only important if it revolves around him. If I’m wrong, tell me, but since if the fact that Scoble was once on a plane that was in an emergency is MORE important that the blogger onboard and all the people who could have lost their lives, then something is seriously wrong….
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