How to Protect your Photos from Online Theft

protect photos online

We are living in the age of visual content. We are living in the age where engaging imagery has become an integral part of all content marketing tactics. It’s hard, if not impossible, to conceive a blog post today without quality photos since articles accompanied by photos are likely to get 94% more views. Blogging is indissolubly linked to imagery, and this is due to multiple reasons.

Why Incorporate Quality Images in your Posts

First of all, you should use images because they are simply appealing from a visual standpoint. Many times they catch the eye of the readers and can help us convey our message in an entertaining manner.

Second of all, images are a great tool you can use to increase readability. No matter how interesting your post is, no one will be able to go through endless lines of plain text. It’s just too hard to follow. You need photos to break up the text and to guide your readers through the article. 

Related: How to Pick Photos for Blog Posts That Will Pop on Social Media

Images can be very helpful when it comes to serving SEO purposes, in the sense that they can generate additional traffic to your blog. In order to properly optimize them, you need to change the file name using one of your keywords and also to set the Alt Text attribute. This won’t be noticeable to the human eye, but it will be to search engines like Google.

Moreover, pictures have the ability to considerably increase engagement on social networks like Facebook or Google+, where the visual component is ever-present. If you share a new blog post on social media without any visuals to accompany the plain text… well, it won’t look so alluring. But if you add an image that is relevant to the content of your text, it will surely help you reach a higher engagement.

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How to Deter Evil-Minded Users

We’ve already agreed that images attract. And exactly due to this reason it’s possible they will end up in the wrong hands. Many internet users can’t resist the urge and “borrow” eye-catching pictures from other blogs, websites or social media pages without the slightest consideration for the original author.

Taking credit for content that is not yours has become a common practice in the online environment, but there are ways you can try to protect photos online. One of these ways is to add a watermark (it can be logo or text) to your photos. It’s not a foolproof method since tech savvy users can remove the watermark with the aid of photo manipulation software. But you’ll definitely make them think twice about what they are about to do.

Watermarking Made Easy

protect photos onlilne

Adding a watermark can be done with an all-round photo editing software or with a tool specially built for this kind of operations, such as PhotoMarks.

PhotoMarks is a tool for desktop and mobile devices designed to watermark multiple photos at once. The software is compatible with both Windows and Mac and works as a simple three-step wizard: add your photos, apply the watermark and choose your destination folder.

You can add both logo and text marks and completely customize them to get total control over their appearance. This means you get to select a pixel-perfect positioning, how much to rotate and scale your watermarks, choose your preferred font, size and color, as well as apply special effects like stroke, shadow or bounding-box. Of course, since it’s a user-friendly tool, you’ve got previews for every step of the way. Moreover, if you are a blogger who constantly resorts to watermarking, you have the option to save your initial settings as Profiles and easily use them next time you need to. 

See Also

Watermark your Instagram Photos as Well

Watermarking shouldn’t be limited to only blog images. You should also watermark your mobile photos uploaded to social networks like Instagram or Facebook. After all, those pictures represent your intellectual property and you should receive credit for them.

protect photos online

PhotoMarks makes it super easy to watermark photos on iPhone and iPad. The app allows you to add logo and text marks and fully customize them in terms of placement, rotation, scaling, colors or transparency. Once you’ve finished editing, you can directly share your photos on social media from within the app.

It’s important to know that you’ll be working on multiple layers so that you can preserve your original pictures. Also, just like in the case of the desktop-based version, you get to save your settings as Profiles and retrieve them later.


Adding quality images to articles is now a mandatory step for any blogger who wants to succeed in a certain niche. Protecting those images from evil-minded users is another mandatory step. If you don’t want to see your original content on someone else’s blog, website or social profile, it’s advisable to add a discreet watermark that clearly states who’s the rightful owner of those photos.

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