MacJournal 3.0 released

Mariner Software, Inc. “developers and publishers of professional and personal Macintosh software for the writing and creativity markets”, today unveiled the release of MacJournal 3.0.

Included in the latest version are:

– Online blog support for LiveJournal, Blogger, Movable Type, WordPress, and more
– Nested journals
– Manual sorting of entries
– Wiki links
– Sort Lines, Change Case, Remove Line Breaks. New text clean-up options in the normal place
– Copy As HTML. The same functionality found in exporting to HTML but without all the hassle of creating a file
– Full Screen. View menu item, toolbar item, and the F8 key all bring the text area of the window full screen so you can concentrate just on the text, or make a presentation
– Menu item reorganization
– New graphics

See Also

“MacJournal 3.0 sets the standard for the way a journaling application, blog software or any application for that matter, should be developed,” said Michael Wray, President of Mariner Software. “Intuitive, flexible, and easy to use.”

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