Duncan Riley> Another tale of hosting woe I’m afraid from me, and this time is a company that goes by the name of h2oh, and also trades as andhosting (with a site design that looks like a ripoff of Dreamhost). Back in December I purchased a dedicated box with h2oh for a rather significant sum of money for hosting for Donklephant, one of the ex-Weblog Empire sites that I still host because they were having some problems with the VPS host they were on, and thought I could always use some additional web space. They promised setup within 72 hours, which was reasonable, but 1 week later still nothing after numerous emails. Eventually I get a response saying I need to fill in another form, which I did immediately, but by this time I was starting to suspect something wasn’t right. Nearly one week later and another pile of emails sent to them, nothing responded to and I email them telling them I want to cancel the order and I want my money back, that this is ridiculous. Suprise, suprise…I get an email saying they’ve set it up after nearly 2 weeks. As you can imagine by this time I wasn’t interested, I’d cancelled the account and I wanted my money back. More emails sent, still no response. I lodge a Paypal dispute only to be told that they cant investigate it because it was a “virtual” good. I’ll be relodging it because a dedicated server I’d argue is a physical good. So here I am with a warning: its doesn’t matter how good you check out a hosting company, you pay for what you get and cheap doesn’t always mean nasty, but with h2oh/ andhosting, it means no customer service and no hosting until you try to cancel your account. Do Not Use them, it isn’t worth the waste of money, and in future I’ll be paying for my hosting with my Visa, at least this way I know I can get my money back!
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