We’ve always had 9rules screaming and shouting “we’re not a blog network! … really, we don’t belong. We are different.” They were the loners in this game for a long time.
But now I can see a new trend – one of anti blog network, and saying as much without fear or favor.
Long gone are the days (err, last year) when no one wanted to offend. Now, everyone just wants to be noticed in this mass of clutter we call the blogosphere. And they’ll do anything to get noticed.
Look at me! Look at me!
First we had SyntagmaMedia recently wash their hands of the whole blog network label and launch into we’re now a “web network magazine”. That received much coverage here at The Blog Herald. The jury is still out. But from all accounts it’s designed to reach different audiences … to be different. I understand the theory behind it.
Why do you think someone like David Krug could manage such name recognition after all his online escapades? Because he was different. He shocked us but alway thrilled.
Now we have an outfit calling themsleves Dashmedia Network who have gone to the next level in trying to be different… insulting the collective blogosphere.
The blogosphere is getting dumber by the day. Do something about it. We have taken it upon ourselves to lead the way to slightly more intelligent blogging. We are currently sifting through this shitpool called the blogosphere hoping to find a few well written blogs.
Hmmm… Aside from that, to me this is a sign that blogging is maturing, and maturing quickly. Blogs are changing. People coming into blogging expect and demand things differently. And blog networks, their blogs, their content, their business models are being questioned more and more.
I’ve seen a vast number of newish blogs hit the scene over the past three months – more so than in any period before. If there was a front door then they’d be kickin’ and a screamin’ – but we all know that there is no closed doors in the blogosphere. It’s open … one for all.
Competition is a fierce beast at times and I can see some tough and fierce and nasty times ahead as blogs everywhere scream “Look at Me! … Look at Me!”
Almost makes me want to buy back BlogNetworkWatch.com from Matt here and have some serious fun with it, because I think the next 12-18 months are going to be real fun in blogging and in blog networks as competition will make or break many … and either way no one’s going to go with the flow quietly. The times they are a changin’.
Six months is a long time in blogging terms. Twelve months is a lifetime. Last year was fun. Now it’s business and all about competiton.
We all wanted the blogosphere to get as big as it could. But are we sure that’s what we really wanted? Did we have any choice?
I truly wonder how long it takes before the b’sphere fragments into little groups and niches in response to the barrage of clutter … something like a 9rules. Hmmmm…
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