Building & Monetizing a New Blog

Darren Rowse, of Problogger, writes of building & monetizing his newest weblog:

It’€™s early days but so far I’€™m reasonably happy with Digital Photography School’€™s progress. By no means is it a launch on the scale of some of the big blog network’€™s launches that get tends of thousands of hits on their first days – but it’€™s promising. So far it’€™s averaging about 600 daily visitors and is earning around $10 per day (through a combination of AdSense and Affiliate links).

Monetizing a relatively new blog at $10/day already is very good. Granted that Darren has several other blogs that he can use to help drive traffic to his latest creation – he’s done a fine job of building traffic to his latest creation and outlines several methods in this article.

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Picture of George Lawson

George Lawson



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