BlogMedia, Inc. acquires The Blog Herald

We’re pleased to announce that BlogMedia, Inc., a US based corporation, has acquired The Blog Herald from Duncan Riley.

Our official press release reads in part:

BlogMedia, Inc. has continued the growth of its online services division & blog network by acquiring The Blog Herald from Duncan Riley.

This is BlogMedia’€™s first acquisition of 2006 after launching its blog network in early January.

‘€œThe Blog Herald, ‘€œ said BlogMedia Senior Vice President Matt Craven, ‘€œhas a well-established history and reputation within the blog and technology communities. This acquisition allows BlogMedia to become the news destination of choice for readers seeking technology news & information about blogs, blog networks, and professional blogging.’€?

Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

I wrote a little bit about our plans over at Blog Network Watch:

For us, this acquisition only made sense. We already own and operate a site for bloggers to find jobs (BloggerJobs), a site that ranks and measures blog networks (Blog Network List), a snarky opinion site about blogs (Jack of All Blogs), another blog about blogging (Blogger Idol), as well as Blog Network Watch. Not to mention that we’ve quiet launched Problogging.

Our intent is to operate the Blog Herald in much the same manner that Duncan has since its founding – reporting on news around the blogosphere and commenting on the technology that drives this strange new medium we find ourselves in.

I do want to mention that Duncan has been nothing but a class act throughout the negotiations and sale process. Also a big thanks to Aaron Brazell of b5media who assisted with the site transfer and setup. We wish Duncan the best in his future endeavors, we’ve no doubt that he will be successful. He will be a hard act to follow…

See Also

What’s going to change? Well, we plan on launching more interaction and connectivity between our various blogging sites within our network in the days and weeks to come. This will enable us to leverage the strengths of each of these sites. We also have our crack design staff looking at a facelist for The Blog Herald. In the meantime, we’ll be off blogging!

Duncan will continue to post here for the next two weeks while we transition in our team.

I’ll be serving as the principal blogger at Blog Herald once we’re settled in. If you read Blog Network Watch, then you’re familar with my blogging. I’m Matt Craven, the head of online services for BlogMedia, Inc.. We’ll have a few more bloggers joining us here shortly.

Again, I’m excited to be here at The Blog Herald – there’s much more to come….

Updates (2/26): Chartreuse with an interview with me, Blog Critics, Syntagma Media – including an interview with yours truly, Work Boxers

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Picture of Matt Craven

Matt Craven

Matt Craven is the former editor & publisher of The Blog Herald. Currently, Matt is the co-founder of Bryghtpath LLC, a consulting practice located in Woodbury, Minnesota. Matt's presently looking for new blogging gigs. Ping him at matt (at) bryghtpath dot com. You can follow him on Twitter.



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