I had asked the other day does twitter take up too much time – and if so, how do you manage it? and saw some interesting responses – most of which amounted to “turn it off”.
Twitter is only one of the information feeds that come flying into my machines wherever I am – I’m deluged with email, instant messages, alerts of various types, phone calls (cell, skype, and landline/voip), text messages, and so on. Not to mention the 2000+ feeds that I try and skim daily looking for news and other information that I can use for blogging, personal enjoyment, and client information.
As much as I try to simplify things through the use of RSS for key information, search terms to eliminate the number of overall feeds that I need to read, and so on – there’s still a ton of information coming my way… and at times it’s almost too much.. Almost…
Erick Schonfeld at TechCrunch appears to be having a similar problem from the looks of his screenshot of Twhirl taking over his computer after trying it for the first time.
With all of the information that’s coming towards you each day – what are some of your methods for controlling the madness?
Post them here and I’ll write more about my workflow methods later this week – and share some of yours as well.
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