The hacker ground known as 4chan launched an attack against YouTube, specifically fans of teen pop sensation Justin Bieber on Sunday. The group, which discovered a vulnerability in the YouTube commenting system was able to hijack the singers videos, sending users astray.
Hackers injected HTML code into the commenting system (which is not suppose to be allowed), causing pop-up messages to open on the site, leading young teen girls to pornography sites and other videos claiming Bieber had been killed in a car accident.
Users should check their computers immediately for malware which was shown on some sites where re-directions occurred.
Google was made aware of the issue and it was corrected almost immediately, but not before Justin Bieber tweets about his rumored death and the redirection issues surfaced all over popular social networking sites Twitter and Facebook.
Were you a victim of this latest attack? Let us know what happened when you visited the videos.
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