Yelp “Copies” Groupon, Starts Offering Local Deals

Yelp Daily Deal ProgramYou may have noticed on the homepage of your Yelp mobile app that deals are popping up in certain markets, the move is an attempt by Yelp to copy the success of the popular Groupon program which offers local limited-time offers to users.

According to The Next Web the company is going to implement a “daily deal” featured and the functionality is being testing in certain markets with select users. According to Yelp’s Community Manager:

“We are testing it out for fun to see what kind of response it generates… Also, there will be another Deal coming out on Wednesday so look for it!”

Goods and services will both be offered with significant discounts, just like Groupon. The one advantage? Yelp has a much bigger user base than Groupon (recently valued at $1 billion).

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"Festival Collaboration"

Yelp does have a few advantages over Groupon, including an OpenTable integration which could allow them to find a deal at a local restaurant and then give users the option to make an immediate reservation, they can also draw in users as part of their social checkin’ option may be sweetened by a daily deal.

What do you think Yelp users? Is this something you are willing to try out? I think it will all depend on the type of deals Yelp offers to their customers.

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