In their quest to dominate the “mobileverse,” Automattic (the company behind WordPress) is planning on expanding their brand upon Palm Pre and Windows Mobile devices.
But instead of having mobile engineers from other platforms create official apps for Palm and Windows Mobile, WordPress is seeking to hire talent from the outside to help turn these app desires into reality.
Take WordPress and other Automattic projects to the small screen by developing Open Source mobile products for multiple mobile platforms. Work on apps for Android, Pre, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, iPhone, and other platforms using such interfaces like our XML-RPC API. (Automattic Jobs Board)
Note: Emphasis mine.
Currently there is no word on whether WordPress will create a Windows Mobile app for version 7 only or develop one for the 6.x series (the latter which Microsoft is retiring).
However a Palm Pre app will definitely excite the webOS universe, especially with the PalmPad launching in a few months (which probably means we may see a webOS WordPress app appear there as well).
Thus far Automattic has launched official WordPress apps for the iPhone, Blackberry, the iPad and Android devices, as well as beta testing an app for Nokia lovers.
WordPress has yet to setup official blogs for Palm or Windows (which will probably be located at and, respectively), which may indicate that Automattic is still seeking a few good geeks to help expand WP’s mobile presence upon other devices.