The boys and girls at WordPress have released a plugin for self hosted WP fans (aka that allows them to broadcast to the world the exact location of where they are blogging from (via mobile).
We’re very happy to announce that the Geolocation plugin is now available for self-hosted WordPress sites, and can be downloaded at the plugin directory or through your WordPress dashboard[.] […]
The plugin adds a subtle but powerful addition to posts you’ve geotagged using WordPress for iPhone: a link appears inside your post with a short description of the location where the post was tagged. When your users hover over the link, an interactive map appears allowing them to view the location as a pin on the map. (WordPress For iPhone Blog)
The geolocation plugin (which can be downloaded over here) should please WordPress iPhone lovers (as well as iPad bloggers) who have been seeking a way to post their location on their self hosted WordPress blog without having to resort to a third party app like BlogPress.
WordPress fans who blog from their Blackberry or Android device can also use the geolocation plugin, although there is no word on whether this is also available to Nokia fans as well.
“Geoblogging” is slowly becoming a popular trend within the blogosphere (at least upon travel blogs and a few technology sites), although time will only tell whether it becomes a mainstream affair (like FourSquare and Gowalla).
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