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Shuka agency wins top branding accolade

Shuka agency wins top branding accolade

"Branding Accolade"

This year saw a host of accomplishments in the Branding & Identity sector, thanks to a myriad of creative and innovative projects. These projects displayed a powerful understanding of target audience appeal and the true power of effective branding, exhibiting exemplary conceptual development, clarity of message, and audience engagement.

The adjudication was led by respected Chief Strategy Officer Taamy Amaize, along with an esteemed panel of industry professionals who despite tough choices, set the precedent high for future branding endeavors. Encouraging further innovation, Amaize exclaimed, “The future of branding is bright, and we are thrilled to see these talented professionals take it to the next level.”

The competition did indeed end on a thrilling note with the award for the best Professional entry going to creative agency Shuka. Their groundbreaking personalized vitamin delivery service concept earned them the top prize. The concept firmly cemented itself at the crux of technology and personal wellness, embodying the potential of personalized solutions in health care.

The Student entry section also witnessed remarkable talent with Jocelyn Ziying Zhao from the Art Center College of Design emerging as the top performer.

Shuka agency’s triumph in branding accolade

Her commitment and exceptional skills were widely recognized and admired.

The decision-making process was backed by an esteemed panel that included Alero Akuya from LEGO Group, Nermin Moufti from Field of Practice, and Nu Goteh from Room for Magic.

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The prizes were awarded to visual designs that most accurately captured a brand’s persona and propelled its vision, through engaging logos, typefaces, strategic rebrandings, and creative campaigns. The winners undoubtedly showcased their prowess in bringing to life the essence of a brand and effectively conveying that to the audience.

Noteworthy award recipients included campaigns such as “Free Palestine!” by Drew LeVan, “Fabric Museum” by Jocelyn Ziying Zhao, “Multitasking” by Aitong Du & Qianyi Lin, and “Linimasa Resto & Space” by Handanu Ardhata. This year indeed spotlighted the role captivating, high-impact designs play in defining a brand’s identity.

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