Intel may have a blogger in residence — although it remains to be seen if he’ll be allowed as much lattitude as Mr. Scoble was with Microsoft. Check out, the blog of a Mr. Josh Bancroft.
I want to start some conversation. I’€™m not officially authorized to speak for Intel on any matter (see my ‘€œCaveat Lector’€? disclaimer over there in the sidebar), but there are a ton of things that I can talk about. I’€™m just a guy, a blogger, who works at a very large company that makes the most complex things ever made by humans. It’€™s a fascinating place, and I know there are lots of you that would like to know more about Intel. Or maybe you have something you’€™d like to vent. Or perhaps you just want to say how much you love something Intel has done (wouldn’€™t that be nice?).
Well its some classic corporate blogging action that I’m looking forward to. Some cultures (read: APPLE) simply do not allow their employees to blog about the company. Looks like Intel may buck that trend through Tinyscreenfuls. If its successful, perhaps, like Microsoft, it can generate a sense of goodwill, integrity and trust that ad-dollars just can’t pay for. Provided, of course, that it sticks to being an honest blog (cough, cough Wal-mart!).
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