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Project promotes positive content on social media

Project promotes positive content on social media

Positive Content Project

The ‘Optimism in Your Feed’ project aims to infuse positivity into social media, encouraging users to tweak their social media algorithms for more uplifting content. A breath of fresh air in a typically negative space, this TBWA\Chiat\Day NY initiative encourages users to take control of their feeds for a healthier digital environment.

Positivity is being brought to users through the project’s partnerships with influencers and social media experts. They’ve curated inspiring videos ready to be shared by influencers like Tina Choi, Victoria Browne, and Josh Harmon. This brings a new dynamic to the social media sphere, motivating users to actively pursue engaging and positive content.

Studies show 45% of users witness an equal or increased amount of negative content on their feeds. It’s cause for concern, with 28% of users reporting increased anxiety and 20% feeling discouraged due to the negativity that fills their feeds. It gives further impetus to thwart this trend and push the balance in favour of positivity.

Promoting positivity in digital spaces

The project’s expert consultant, Casey Fiesler, challenges users to practice digital literacy. Recognizing how algorithms influence online experience and taking precautions to avoid negativity is crucial. By following diverse perspectives online, regularly adjusting settings, and practising digital hygiene, users can create a balanced online ecosystem.

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The campaign emphasizes user control over their digital content. This is echoed in their promotional video, which encourages users to actively seek out inspiring content rather than passively absorbing negativity. The video advocates for intentionality and criticality when it comes to media consumption, promoting a proactive approach for a healthier digital space.

Campaign member Victoria Browne stresses the impact of social media algorithms on mental health, pushing for the promotion of content that fosters connectivity over isolation. To this end, a curated list of positivity-inducing videos can already be accessed on TikTok and YouTube, with plans to broaden their reach across other platforms soon.

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