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Page Center welcomes new advisory board members

Page Center welcomes new advisory board members

"Advisory Board Welcome"

The Arthur W. Page Center for Integrity in Public Communication recently expanded its advisory board, welcoming Margery Kraus, founder and executive chair of APCO Worldwide, and Patrick Parsons, emeritus professor.

Kraus and Parsons bring with them years of experience and a wealth of knowledge in their respective fields. Kraus’s global perspective and expertise in strategic communication and public affairs will provide unique insights, while Parsons’s scholarly approach will add depth to the discussions.

Their inclusion is seen as a boost to the center’s ongoing efforts to promote ethics and responsibility in public communication. With their leadership, the center looks forward to elevating the board’s discussions and creating a more comprehensive understanding of public relations and academia.

Denise Bortree, the director of the Page Center, views their addition as crucial in reinforcing the importance of ethics and integrity in public communications.

Expanding board brings fresh perspectives to Page Center

Kraus and Parsons’ combined experiences will undoubtedly guide and shape the center’s various initiatives and programs.

Kraus, under her leadership, has transformed APCO Worldwide into a global consultation giant with majority female ownership. Parsons, in contrast, has dedicated most of his academic career to advocating for ethical practices in journalism and telecommunications. Both of them have been instrumental in advancing their respective sectors.

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The Page Center is deeply committed to promoting ethical practices and integrity in public communication. It advocates for the integration of these key ethics into educational curriculums and facilitates dialogue among professionals to enhance the application of such practices.

Over the past two decades, the center has provided nearly $1 million in research funding, assisting over 300 academic scholars. Its unwavering dedication to uphold ethical standards has significantly advanced the field of public communication, making it a vital pillar in academic excellence.

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