About a month ago, we wrote a post entitled ‘How to lose credibility in 48 hours’ where we opined that it was time for Truthout Jouranalist Jason Leopold to start acting like a journalist.. and do some things like getting real sources for stories.
See, Leopold was insistent that he had the inside scoop and that Karl Rove, Deputy Chief of Staff at the White House, would be indicted.
Except he wasn’t.
Even as recently as Monday.. i.e. yesterday, Leopold was insisting that Rove would be indicted. In fact, in his post yesterday talked on and on about a “Sealed v. Sealed” indictment that “might” be the Rove indictment.
I did a search of the federal courts index which I happen to have access to and couldn’t find a Sealed v. Sealed case with the dates or case number that Leopold wrote about. And that was the post that I had planned on writing today.
Instead, the world got to see the destruction of what was left of Jason Leopold’s credibility:
Top White House aide Karl Rove has been told by prosecutors he won’โฌโขt be charged with any crimes in the investigation into the leak of a CIA officer’โฌโขs identity, his lawyer said Tuesday, lifting a heavy burden from one of President Bush’โฌโขs most trusted advisers.
I’ll go back to what I wrote last month:
If you want to be taken seriously as a blogger – then be a serious blogger. Find good sources, get others to corroborate their stories, and then post them. After all, that’โฌโขs what real journalists do.
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