Remember when you used to take a trip to Hawaii and you would purchase a postcard to send home? Those days are long gone and social media is to blame.
The team at Skyscanner recently conducted a Social Media Use Poll in the UK and they discovered that most travelers have turned to social media in place of paper-based postcards.
The study found that only 6 percent of travels send postcards while 26 percent like to use Facebook to share their experiences. Two percent of users like to use Twitter for their vacation sharing needs. 14 percent of travelers also admitted that they would not attempt to contact anyone while taking their vacation, ruling out social media and paper-based postcards all together.
The study involved 1,200 travelers who took vacations to various locations.
As we move towards an ever increasing number connected social media users we will likely see less dependency on paper travel documents as a whole and more emphasis on digital products.
Would you prefer to send a postcard or simply post your daily vacation photos? What social network do you like to use while on vacation?
Here is the full Skyscanner study results as an infographic:
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