Google Fires Blogger

Google, owner of one of the Internets leading blogging services, Blogger, is alleged to have sacked a blogger that blogged about his employment at Google.

Mark Jen, an Associate Product Manager for Google’s Adsense program, sparked controversy in January when his comments on his employer were removed from his blog, then re-instated in the same week.

Speculation at the time suggested that the removal then reinstatement was part of the Google publicity stunt.

At that time, Jen denied the changes had been made under duress, insisting that Google “was pretty cool about all this.”

According to an anonymous message in a blog forum at Google Blogoscoped, Jen was sacked by Google on January 28, and although the details of his departure have not been publicly disclosed, Google has confirmed that Jens is no longer an employee.

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The sacking, if true, is an interesting change from the once Blog friendly Google, who will become the first owner of the blogging company to fire an employee for blogging.

Update: Jeremy Zawodny has confirmed with Mark Jen that he was fired by Google for his blog.

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