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Elite Retreat open for registrations: 35 places up for grabs

Elite Retreat open for registrations: 35 places up for grabs

elite-retreat-logoThis year’s Elite Retreat, which will be held in New York City on October 1st and 2nd, is now open for registration.

This year’s speakers include Seth Godin (keynote), Jeremy Schoemaker, Neil Patel, Chris Winfield and Brian Norgard (check out the speaker profiles for more information).

The event is exclusive (35 places based on merit, not first-come-first-served) and relatively expensive ($4,950 counts as costly as far as I’m concerned), yet it has some high profile fans so is something worth considering.

The idea of keeping the entry bar fairly high is that those who make the grade get to spend a lot of time learning from and interacting with the speakers, and “sales pitches” from speakers are forbidden.

See Also
Google Spam

I’ve made my views on this fairly clear in the past – it’s not something I’d personally consider as I can think of better uses for five grand — but for some it could be the perfect boost their blog business needs.

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